
Lagertha cutting off a man's penis is fine. but show a fully-clothed woman being killed while having sex and you clearly have a societal problem.

Ragnar respected Athelstan's right to believe what he wanted enough to give him a Christian burial. i don't know if Christians are supposed to be buried whole when possible, but beheading a corpse to keep the head doesn't seem very Christian.

i haven't a clue why those women were dressed as they were, though I didn't notice any female warriors outside.

well they couldn't 'realistically' have a 115 lb. woman fight off several men. that would just be silly. a tv show or movie would never be so silly as to portray such a thing.

the murder was set in 1976, not 1978. get your details right.

saying she had wanted to be a detective caused a little bit of suspicion but then she said something about trying to solve crimes before the police do and became completely unreliable.

Adams had no interest in watching an R-rated "cheerleader movie" but Harris did. Maybe Adams had some intentions that Harris didn't appreciate. Or maybe they were just two dudes hanging out for a few hours. Perhaps that sort of thing wouldn't be so "weird" in the 70's.

this episode felt like an unintentional homage to 80's movies, or just crappy movies in general.

In the season finale of Under the Dome, Big Jim tosses the dome baby off a cliff so that the story arc for next season can return to what-the-hell-is-gong-on status.

toss her in hair first and she'll sink like a stone.

Junior: What did you do with Julia?

If Aktion (sp?) is in contact with the "resistance" and can send them explosives, wouldn't it be better to just send in a team of mercenaries to get the situation under control? If that makes even a little bit of sense, then no wonder it didn't happen.

Did they cause it? I admit to skipping through parts of the show so maybe I missed that. I didn't read the book but I thought it was something about some (spoiler ahead?) kiddy aliens playing games or some such. On the show, maybe they just knew it was going to happen and because their previous planet was destroyed,

Punch of the Night goes to Junior for knocking out Julia with a single blow to the back of the hair.

Did that white walker need to raise his arms to 'wake up' the new wights or was he just adding a bit of flair?

Mad Men perhaps put the idea of non-filtered cigarettes in my head. Switched to smoking Lucky Strike, I liked the strength and flavor of non-filtered. 7$ a pack, even in a Southern state, because of Imam Obummer's tobacco tax. It got to be too expensive, so I had to start using a vaporizer. Why can't Obongo the King