The Hateful Eight, like Reservoir Dogs, has the feeling of a stage play. A very well-written stage play.
The Hateful Eight, like Reservoir Dogs, has the feeling of a stage play. A very well-written stage play.
“ we all want acknowledgement and recognition from the people around us.”
“Yeah,” responded Marsh, confident, somehow, that I had just agreed with him.
The character’s name is Mrs Ketts, so I’m pretty sure it’s a kettle.
I feel like 2016 is America’s punishment for the myriad of bad things we’ve done in the past. We have been smited.
So I shouldn’t wish Trump drops dead on November 9th from a heart failure as a result of abusing cocaine, bronzer and boner pills? Ok, I won’t.
No. If Drake’s gonna marry a basic white girl who can’t dance, it will be ME.
“Look what you made me do.”
“Have you ever read copy literally written by a boner before?”
I used to tell students “there is no such thing as ‘useless’ knowledge.”
Halloween is for everyone else, Mardi Gras is for pros.
Thinking that Hillary Clinton flies around the world in an invisible jet murdering people kind of makes me want to vote for her even more than I already do.
So you don’t trust a comprehensive, abundantly sourced study from a constitutional law professor but you’re going to swallow a heavily edited sting video from a known huckster? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Was this rehab effective? I’ve never been to rehab but I feel like the stress of living outside would make getting sober harder. Am I totally off base here?
He’s amazing. He also gave me a fair share of rides home when I was drunk in high school. It’s like, he didn’t want to enable me but he also didn’t want me to ever not call. So he’d always snarl, “Jesus Christ, El!” and hang up the phone and come get me, smoking furiously the whole way home. One time I tried to play…
people have probably thrown their poop out of windows a lot because it is THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION. I really believe this.
I feel like it doesn’t count because it wasn’t public! And nobody ever caught me, because I’m so good at poop crime.
Things have changed so much in the past couple of decades. I volunteered at the Democratic Victory Headquarters in Lake Charles, LA, back in 1992, and Clinton/Gore carried Louisiana. They even carried the state in 1996!