
The garbage blue line folk, here it is.

Why in the hell is the other victim of sexual assault being named and shamed? He coerced her, does everyone think she should have just refused, been killed, had her infant taken possibly sold to suffer even more at the hands of this monster or could they maybe think she cooperated to have a chance in hell of getting

Why the hell was this woman charged and why are her name and picture in the media? She is the alleged victim of a sexual assault.

He is not sorry.

She’s right tho. 

It’s a brutal game in which we basically argue that big-boned Luther Vandross should’ve died right around the time that a chair was still a chair—not because he ruined his legacy but because he didn’t add much to it after that.

As opposed to whites who shoot a whole bunch of people all at once. I mean if blacks only resorted violence to solve problems your pasty ass would be dead. Right Tyler? Oh and if they are violent they had some very fine people on the other side that showed them how to act that way, Chad.

Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

Try to remember that it wouldn’t have been great, specifically because he doesn’t have a spine. Someone who was going to let that be the end of your relationship would never have given you the life you deserve- you deserve someone who would defend you.

When has The Root ever looked good?

What does that even mean?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, free Jussie and all that, but umm......when are the police gonna perp walk Jacob Wohl for filing a false police report?

Thank you. I’m pretty fed up with Democrats spinning wishful fanfic about this report while failing to develop any type of voter engagement strategy (or taking any other widespread measures to avoid repeating the very stupid mistakes of 2016.)

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

Stephanie Flowers is a perfect example of why downballot races matter so much. City councils and statehouses are where we can shut down bad policy in the womb and put a real check on power. I wish everyone watching that video would find one local race to pay attention to and a local candidate to support. These are the

She shut down the entire committee. We need more clear and direct voices like Flowers, and she should be protected at ALL COSTS especially from those wahoos in the statehouse with guns.

We just call that sloppy drunk where I’m from, but sure, blame it on the rapper’s weed.