
Holy God I am LIVING for this comment thread. I thank you all.

Wait some of you people are nuts because whatever else you start with, if it’s Thousand Island it has pickles.

I read recently that he never sat one day in a college classroom. Of course college attendance does not necessarily correlate to intelligence or anything else. But it doesn’t exactly jibe with his supposed ideals of doing and being one’s best, continuous improvement, getting everything possible out of life, and

Can you talk more about this? I’m not a fan of Cardi B, but super interested in her as a phenomenon. Also, as a gay man and a sociologist/linguist I find your assertion fascinating. Especially because it has also been said that queer culture (particularly gay white male and drag culture) have appropriated African

Quick question: A simple “”Introduce me” is cool with other kids or women but if it’s a man (another kid’s Dad) all of a sudden the “Introduce me” gets a qualifier?

Either you believe in teaching your kids to feel out new friendships/interactions or you don’t. Not for nothing but men are not automatically “different”

Counterpoint: That condo was decidedly NOT CHEAP at market value of $4000/month+!!

Indeed it was the 50-bucks-a-night rent that was cheap!

LOL at the suggestion Georgie Stephanopoulos is running shit at Good Morning America.

Furthermore, as if GMA is 10 hours a week of hard-hitting political reporting.

Nice legs?

All’s I know is Michael Avenatti can come and get it.

Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

No, hon.

Gonna shove my baby into a suffocating coffin and be like OKAY FINE.


There are several factors at work: Training, regulatory compliance, and common sense. Service dogs and family pets are different stories and any professional flight attendant should know that.

Flight Attendants have a complicated job with lots of moving parts. I don’t know what happened with this poor family and their

Check in? Like check in for the flight? Of course. That’s not what is being discussed here. She DID NOT CHECK ON HER ANIMAL DURING THE FLIGHT.

Oh holy Jesus. Let’s go ahead and tackle this together. (I am assuming that you read the part where I said I was a flight attendant for my whole adult life.)

She paid extra. Yes, she paid extra to carry her pet in an approved pet carrier to be placed underneath the seat in front of her. She declined, for an

Holy Christmas. I have a cat who is totally my best friend. We’ve been together for over 10 years; he saw me through a serious illness, a divorce, and a few moves. No joke that this kitty is my ride-or-die. We have traveled on airplanes together a dozen times and he’s chill.

Let somebody try to tell me to put MY BABY

I agree with you. And he IS A GOOD GUY. If we are going to say that people in the administration/government should speak truth to power, stand up for what is right, and refuse to be a part of the lies and evil then this guy has done EXACTLY THAT. He IS a good guy!

Super unclear on the hate/distrust for this dude.

SMDH I guess even individuals doing the right thing cannot catch a break around here.

First of all, she would never win any armrest battle with me. Mkay?

All I’m saying is that often people develop reputations for good reason.