Ok Bruhs, when you resort to “But she’s 18" take a good long look in the mirror, hopefully, it’s a stainless steel mirror in the jail cell.
Ok Bruhs, when you resort to “But she’s 18" take a good long look in the mirror, hopefully, it’s a stainless steel mirror in the jail cell.
How about he sue Papa for those awful crusts, sketchy dog-food style “beef topping”.
Sadly this type of thing has happened countless times in the past, we only hear about a fraction of these attacks.
I’m sure spending your late teens/early 20's trudging through rural China will be an awesome time for a couple of wealthy home-schooled buys from L.A.
The edited out the part where they asked her what kind of talk went on in locker rooms.
You were drunk but McNabb was the one puking, go figure.
Except Boston fans had no hope and didn’t pretend to up until that series comeback against big brother.
Bill went on to mave content, Drew slid right into the ‘blogging about your dog and kids while sports writering’. I give both teams a B on that trade.
DD was a great game, performance, framerates and crashes were not issues. The problems with the game were balance, and lack of end game++.
They split it out to give the appearance of additional content, and because it’s just easier to balance separately.
Inb4 the fanbois blame the ‘players asked for it’... who am I kidding, it’s impossible to get inb4 them.
At least in real MMOs you can play vanilla for months and months and not experience all the content. Destiny games, the content is “done” after like 1 week and then it’s just grinds
MMORPG lol, except for the massive part, the open world part, the RPG part etc.. It’s got... levels and grinding I guess.
Trofees! Almost forgot those still exist. For D1 I bought the D1PS4 white console and still had to pony up for the expansions just to play with friends who had been playing a few weeks and went all in season pass.
She’s right, electricity and clean water will be a think of the past by the time the Olympics roll around.
At least it’s not blackface or a Tupac 3D rendering?
An internet doctor described it as “his nuts hurt”.
These really bolster the approval rating of Truck-Chuds
I am extremely familiar with the concept of some try-hardingfailburger douche bro trying to sell trucks to rubes.
Replace the “aristocrats” with “associates” in that lame joke and that’s the true answer.