Diskey Whick

It also looked awful on the broadcast. It looked like they were wrestling in a black void (especially with the dark mat/ring apron), which made matches like Shirai vs Yim almost impossible to watch when the competitors were both wearing mostly black. Full Sail may be intimate, but it looks like dook on my TV.

Ray very chyl.

But someday WE will be the billionaires, and what then? The socialists can take my money — over my cold dead body!

Just because rich people hang out together doesn’t mean they like each other.

This Guy Fawkes used to jerk.

ACME is a very important grocery store chain in the Philly area. My brother in law’s family calls it the A-C-M-E because of some boring story about the grandfather getting a call from the bank’s fraud protection and they spelled out the store name rather than saying it. This is considered a funny story in their

the fuck is a rutger, anyways

the fuck is a rutger, anyways


Well, fuck you too.

I’m here for “Space Fascists”.

Goodfellas got my ex wife horny.

My sister started this “shortened to Liam” thing when my nephew was born 17 years ago. Take it easy on her though, it’s about the only bad thing she’s done as an adult.

You didn’t rec it, you saved it. Now it’s yours forever.

I’m 6’4”. I’m not convinced it’s the best height, but if you feel that strongly about it, I’m down to let you show me why.

I thought you were doing a thing with the misidentification - you should’ve rolled with it

Only if the coke is the snorty kind... mixed drinks are for lightweights.

Mila Kunis is proof there’s a God.

Shut up, commie bastard! If they want to make more than minimum wage, why don’t they learn a skill that pays them better?!