Diskey Whick


Never change, McQuade.

Oh heck yeah, that’s the jam. And totally appropriate.

+1 hastily-painted helmet and 2 flaking frostbitten feet.

The problem is that it’s not for publicity; it’s Capitalist propaganda to be spread by MAGATs on Facebook and given as an hilarious Christmas gag gift amongst our increasingly ill-informed citizenry.

I’m not sure you know the definition of “bullshit”.

LOL “come to vipe thee vindows”

The St. Louis Cool S.... nah, there’s nothing cool about St. Louis.

You’re doing God’s work.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

I mean, I saw this headline and “Antichrist” was was what immediately came to mind. Not that it matters, truth is much more frightening than fiction.

I mean, it’s kind of implicit, but you’ve once again proven that the real knowledge lies in the comment section.

Money truly is the root of all evil. Everybody feel free to send me all yours and save yourselves from eternal damnation. I don’t mind taking the hit.

If it quacks like a duck...

Hillary would have lost to John McCain in ‘08 and Sarah Palin would be the President right now.

Still not as bad as her Avatar take.

I never knew I needed a Jedd Gyorko jersey before today.

I never knew I needed a Jedd Gyorko jersey before today.

Holy shit that’s frightening