Diskey Whick

Drew, you are my favorite living writer, and I mean it. Also, I can’t comment on Deadspin anymore and my Kinja history has basically disappeared. This has made me sad.

Am I the only one who remembers these fuckers’ meddling in the 2004 election? Fourteen fucking years ago. Jesus Christ, how the hell did we get here?

Was not disappointed

“LOL at financially abusive”

Carmella being an exploitative pimp would at least give her an interesting character.

Word. My rasslin’ buds were probs the smarkest guys I ever chilled with.

When it’s good, it’s real good, brother.

Ask how, ask now.

Holy shit he’s a professional moron.


It’s just so much more efficient to be able to read something and get the info you need to comprehend the story than watch a video, which are often presented without context or commentary.

holy shit this is the best

Don’t forget, scored more points.

Testify! It’s always sucked!

Love PMS

Le Batard.

Do you mean the author of the article? ‘Cause he brought it in, right in the second paragraph.

Might be for the best then

*orders copy of Puzo’s Godfather from Amazon

My mom didn’t let us watch MTV when it first started, so we just watched it at my dad’s house once a month until we were older and just watched it anyway. She was totally out of it when it came to pup culture anyway. Once when she bought me a new tape deck she bought a cheap cassette to go with it: “Galaxy” by War.