It’ll just turn Sunday traffic into essentially weekday traffic.
It’ll just turn Sunday traffic into essentially weekday traffic.
Blackout rules aren’t what they used to be, however this is just the kind of market that it would make sense to enforce them in. But if there’s a blackout, wouldn’t it mean no game at all in that timeslot?
Yes this this this. It was such a luxury to have no local teams to whom the networks had to be beholden. One of the best things about living here, obliterated.
Eh I disagree. I was disappointed by how disengaged I felt watching the IMAX 3D, I think because you kind of can’t move your head for three hours and because 3D doesn’t really do much for me anyway. I think it’ll be the last time I go to IMAX 3D.
Just saw a Mr Magoo cartoon at the cinema... timeless comedy
Remaking the Prequels would infuriate me. I didn’t see Phantom Menace in the theater 11 times (+1 in 3D) to have somebody tell me it doesn’t count.
But the Schadenfreudist in me hearts all of those lame attempts at humor. And without them the movies don’t have much personality.
Crusty Grilled Cheese yum
I use my ends for grilled cheese exclusively, no modification necessary. Nothing but cheesy, crusty, buttery goodness. I’ve got all the makings in the fridge right now, so I know what I’ll be having for dinner.
But it’s Cholula! That might be the only condiment whose theft would get a pass from me. In front of your parents, though? No dice.
I say, let it lie. It’s too late to go back in time and not have seen Phantom Menace 11 times in the theater (12 with 3D). To have someone tell me, “hey, we were just kidding with those movies!” would infuriate me, no matter how much they could have been improved on.
I’ve been a fat person who managed to get fit twice in life. It wasn’t due to a conscious choice. I’m almost 6 1/2 feet tall. In my early 20s I was well over three bills; the last time I’d weighed myself I was at 315 and I know it went up from there. I was forced to take a job at Wal-Mart out of sheer desperation…
I would suggest the nuclear option but I have close family there and I unfortunately love the Cowboys too much.
Millennials ruin the world by being in it
This selection, superior. Other selections, inferior. /soundwave
I for one appreciated this.
Petros grows on you. His show with Matt “Money” Smith is the greatest thing currently on Los Angeles terrestrial radio.
Petros is quite proud of his Greek heritage, guess that would make him a Greece-y pig.
That explains it