
When people say Jared in my America, I regrettably think “he went to Jared” Jared.

It’s just a simple, faithful, exciting truck that’s always up for hauling around me and three of my closest friends: two Lego men and a thumbtack.

Disagree: it’d be “this” instead of “that.” “That” strongly implies that he means the person just mentioned.

You’re doing the lord’s work, son.

This, this is some quality troll work. I like how you pick liberally from the logical fallacies list. Excellent, A+, would troll again.

Okay, the McGurk Effect is completely wild... even if I'm telling myself "she's saying bar" looking at the left, my brain refuses to hear it. That's awesome. Also one of the first audiovisual illusions I've seen that's so effective.

But isn't the point that you, like in real life, can't choose? I think it's a fascinating approach. You don't choose to be white or black when you're born. You're stuck with whatever the ovarian lottery draws, MJ not withstanding.

This. This is a good rule.

Why link to this garbage? Write the article, sure, but why give them Google juice and even, by extension, a whiff of legitimacy to an outsider by actually linking to them? If we're that curious, we'll find them and gape at the horrors, but you're inadvertently helping advance their cause and sales of their snake oil.

I had huge performance issues because I use dozens of tabs but then I read about how much AdBlock Plus is hurting things, performance-wise. It uses tons of memory, so if you have that enabled, you'll want to switch to DNS-based blocking.

They sell carbon fiber props... they can fuck shit up.

Arrested Development. MASH several seasons. Any HBO comedy. Plenty don't use laugh tracks.

The Coyotes.

You know what? I'd normally agree with you. But I'm a Windows power user, typing this to you on my 2011 MacBook Air. I wanted an ultra-portable, but still powerful laptop and the fit and finish of the MBA couldn't be denied. I've since found I kind of hate OS X and that its performance has flagged a lot since I first

To wit, we ended up buying our golden puppies these:

Worse than Jordan Nolan? Because I fucking hate Jordan Nolan.

On motherfucking cable, no less.

Not free. $300, less the cost of the other items. So, discounted. But not free. And certainly not free if you value your time or warmth.

Stand up.

Just a few weeks ago in a Coyotes game you could easily make out the ref shouting "It's a good fucking hit! It's a good fucking hit! Go fuck yourself!" to a player who took umbrage to a hit. I love that.