If you're a paying customer, you'll have no problem contacting them and informing them your unit has mysteriously stopped working and could they send a technician, no?
If you're a paying customer, you'll have no problem contacting them and informing them your unit has mysteriously stopped working and could they send a technician, no?
Specifically, butt stuff is for BEFORE marriage. PIV is for Jesus to approve of. Butt sex, no need to wait for a piece of paper from the state! (I had a friend who essentially went with this approach.)
Just biting.
Hockey also forces the player who lost the scoring chance to take the penalty, whereas apparently in soccer, you can pick your favorite. Hockey is basically the ultimate, faster, more fun, expert form of soccer.
It's good to hear he apologized, but I thought he recovered pretty well even in the initial interview. And I don't really think asking a dude about his "lucky lady" is some sort of homophobic affront, I thought you parried it very well and kept a good sense of humor. Mostly, I'm annoyed at Timothy Burke for thinking…
Goals scored.
Oh god I actually snorted at this.
Indeed, there was Too Much Man:
To be fair, they're not America's team. They're NATIVE America's team, so we had this coming.
But this is Deadspin. You always read the full comment to hit the payoff. I literally chuckled "worth it" when I finished the comment.
More like ASU grad, amirite?
"Watching". Dammit, kinja.
Jesus. Looks like that riot cop has been watch Andrew Luck tape:
I had this same sort of thought, but I think that Tim gets it right here, and you can literally see it in the eyes of every single player on the ice in the clip: NO one wants to play any more hockey.
The simple reason you'll hear is that because it will absolutely murder a team's chances if they're on the eve of a back-to-back, especially with travel. We've seen playoffs go to 3 OT periods. That's like pitching into the 16th inning. Except that instead of merely destroying your bullpen and possibly burning another…
They'll disclose if it's a cash-only offer, but typically the breakdown of down payment isn't necessarily disclosed. If it's a cash-only offer, they may be inclined to take it as it indicates there won't be underwriting problems and other loan approval issues that could cost them another month or more.
(Edit, just saw someone else already commented this. Sorry.) What? The ENTIRE amount goes to the seller. You're buying the house from them, so you need to pay for the ENTIRE house up front, that's why you get a mortgage. The mortgage amount is wired directly to them, and you pay your lender back for the loan over…
I've always perceived Wes Anderson films as masturbatory hipster drivelfests that bore in their relentlessly forced pursuit of contrived, asinine "adventures" with characters predictable in their skin deep quirkiness and constant hewing to the Anderson Mean. From the trailer, Grand Budapest Hotel appears to represent…
Yeah, came here to say the same. It's extremely distracting.
This is also not not true. They updated it to significantly align it to match Gmail a few weeks ago.