
I don't think he's an upgrade at all, and especially not against Kolb. The Cards need to make a serious power play to get a real QB and an O-line that at least pretends to try. Kolb got run into the ground so hard his ribs detached because our guys couldn't read coverage and missed the play. Ugh.

The Cardinals are probably stupid enough to come calling. If Michael Vick turns them down.

Well, I believe Mat Honan's hack resulted in Amazon CSRs being unable to even see the last four as they claim is now the case. In any event, them challenging on that would still be helpful, but them distributing it is clearly not. And you're right, if some other company is giving out the last four, then you're still

The Indian CSRs are particularly rough around the edges. Too eager to please.

Actually, they'll also issue replacement orders when you tell them you "didn't receive" the item. It's not a return replacement. The big concern is that the customer's account could be flagged as fraudulent the second they need to do a legitimate replacement order, and the bigger concern is how much more could the

Oh my, that was most enjoyable.

There have been lawsuits over people THROWING AWAY TICKETS that were then picked up, but because it was caught on tape, the person who tossed it was able to make a claim to it. [Source.]

Haha, well played.

Came here to say this exactly. That was some next-level shit there. Huge missed opportunity for GIFing.

I used to write/intern for Giz under Joel. He flipped his shit on stuff like this. Or comma splices. Or anything approaching improper grammar. We once had a lovely discussion on the close or open setting of em dashes. And he made me read Strunk & White. Good times.

For singular nouns that end in "s", you still add an s after the apostrophe to show possession. So it should be "lens's". If it's a plural noun like "parents", and you're referring to their house, you can do the "parents' house" thing.

Rote muscle memory yields hit free throws and hilarious post-hit-free-throw celebratory high five.

False equivalence trolling score: A+, would troll again!

I'm the last to quote the Weekly Standard, but this article goes into some seemingly well-cited discussion on how the reduction in the type of phosphates in dishwashing detergent haven't helped reduce algae blooms at all and have had the ironic side-effect of causing people to have to wash their dishes with MORE water

For that, just use http://www.gethuman.com/ It'll connect, stay connected, and then transfer to you when it hits a rep. Really works, too!

Actionable Notifications aren't new to 4.2, they were in 4.1 as well. They just left the bullet point on the page. #journalism

Completely different. Photosphere looks like it basically stitches an effective movable sphere around you based on you standing in one spot. Photosynth stitches together hundreds of photos to determine where you were standing for each of them, flesh out the geometry of the room from the photos alone, and allows you to

Isn't that sort of the point of the 1-series? Even still, "buyers will start to associate brands with lower-income people" is a point with 20 years of evidence against: there's a reason that Lexus is Toyota's luxury marque, and Honda has Acura: So that their luxury brand can stay separate and not be dragged down by

Done in one. A+.

I am a (rare) Phoenix Coyotes fan. They have absolutely no one to blame but themselves. The Coyotes were already struggling to pick up any traction before they up and moved the franchise to the far north west Valley. Glendale is central to absolutely no one and nothing, it's only accessible on surface streets through