
Military spending is the single largest element of our discretionary budget. By a factor of two to one. (I think it was $900B on military, $500B on EVERYTHING ELSE.) So yeah, maybe we trim the fat here. And I'm not suggesting a cut to troop benefits, salaries, or any of that. But perhaps we don't spend billions on

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This reminds me of Spike Jonze's video for Da Funk by Daft Punk. Except less quirky/cool, and too much trying-too-hard. Or something.

Continental, United, and Delta have all placed orders, looking to enter into service as soon as next year, so there's a chance, soon enough.

For me, I love a few specific things about Android. I love the Google Accounts integration, though iOS gets close with it. I love turn-by-turn navigation for free, including transit navigation.

Shhhhhh... they'll take your star! At least use #corrections.

I think one of the issues even with complicated CAPTCHAs is that they still fall to mechanical turks: having people crack dozens of them for you en masse for pennies each. It's a real concern, since the cracker is still human, but I don't know how in force this approach is since it requires infrastructure (building

I love this bit: "I want to meet the person who first discovered that ratty old drag queen wigs are excellent insulators. You KNOW they’ve got a few stories."

I use vinegar to fill up the softener section of the washer to get the funk out of towels. Works perfectly.

Back several years ago, some magazine like Family Life or whatever had a feature for a "myster recipe!" that you could produce and which, through the listing of ingredients and process, was not totally obvious what you were making.

Erm, there are all kinds of things wrong with your assumptions here. Foxconn employs nearly a million people. They can do so, because they spend about $1.20 per person per hour for the in the trenches workers. Unions, market forces, and all that good stuff would easily start at $25 per hour, but as you note, would

To be fair, it was kind of confusingly worded in their VIP email to boot. Either way, I'm glad they fixed the awkward space-bar-generates-blank-popup program I was experiencing on the beta.

The primary function of Gizmodo in my mind has been as a curated aggregator first, and a place for original content second. I read Gizmodo so that I can get an interesting perspective on the news I'd otherwise have to dig through reddit, et al, to find.

Not actually true. This is the release of the Beta version, cleaned up a bit, to the retail channel. Shows as: CURRENT VERSION:

Well, they're trying to determine that he's NOT crazy enough TO execute him. It's complicated.

Hahaha: "Latin lessons before they're too young to know what the fuck I'm doing to them." made me laugh out loud. They'll be the only ones reciting Aeneid in preschool.

...and the smell of your burnt down house?

Well, there is a reason... if the new iPhone is doing the speech recognition locally, on the device itself, to reduce latency and not require 3G to work, then it'll take some computing power. Android off-loads their speech processing to the cloud, which is usually pretty damn fast (I have an N1) but can be frustrating

Ah, right, Iacocca was Ford/Chrysler. Got my wires crossed.

Haha. What an unfortunate screen grab. Unless those were the exact words out of his mouth when he did that. In which case, bravo.

Interesting that you bring up Lee Iaccoca (Chrysler/GM). Ford buying out Alan Mulally from Boeing to execute a turnaround was the smartest move ever made. Some executives have what it takes to move mountains and get the unthinkable done. The problem is that most executives aren't anywhere near their pay grade in terms