
To be fair, many Koreans believe that sleeping with a fan in the room can kill you: [en.wikipedia.org] And they're not terribly low educated...

Shit, the automatic window opener relays cease to work if the door's open... I don't think it's much of a stretch to reverse the motor if it meets significant resistance. But they probably figured it'd be a near impossible situation for someone to be on the back of the car where something could get crushed by a

I'm wondering when the manufacturers will stop trying to differentiate on Android Skins... I'd rather them release them as Market apps, even if they're pre-installed, like a new launcher, rather than an OS-hacking complete overhaul that delays updates for seemingly forever without adding any real value.

Boy, they hand out stars like candy over here at io9, huh?

Well, it's not just that but anti-trust. They open it up for public comment, evaluate the impact on the public's ability to procure wireless services, and make sure that they don't fuck over the public interest more than is reasonable for the large pile of money they're likely paying lobbyists.

Isn't there a big flashing alert when they stall out, too, though?

You can go to an Apple store and they'll download it and facilitate the install for you, if you don't want to chew up a bandwidth cap, or don't have fast enough internet to grab the 4.5GB update.

The patent is literally describing a regular expression and the ability to act upon its results. That's absurd. It's like patenting a function in a programming language. Specifically, they're saying that their patent protects the non-obvious technology of searching text for a phone number or address and highlighting

Oh my, that's gorgeous.

Buying in the regular Android Market does require a second screen to confirm. Amazon's AppStore was using One Click before this update, which could result in unfortunate accidental purchases, made worse since they don't have a refund window. I'd like to see an implementation of the password-to-purchase component that

They did, and they do, but the true performance of the heaters is difficult to test before they do tanking. Tanking cools everything down so much that the heater thermostats get tested out then. They can test the termos manually, but it requires gaining access to the thermo (not easy at all) and literally spraying it

Huh? Dude, that's December.

Having dinner with a bunch of nurses the other night, I was informed of another use for common table sugar: it can help fix a rectal prolapse. Essentially, your rectum can "fall out" if you're older and the muscles aren't doing too well. The doctor's advice to the nurses: "just sprinkle some sugar on it. It'll shrivel

Have, in fact, spoken with her. In person. Managed not to pee my pants. Still wondering what value, at all, she provides anyone.

Erm, to be clear, most states don't "allow" Amazon tax breaks. Amazon has a shell game going wherein the purchase is made and fulfilled by different entities, LLC or Inc. Thus, the fulfillment houses are governed by a different entity that keeps them from "having" a presence. This has been a matter of some contention

I've definitely had it guess tags before, but I don't know if that was because an extremely similar photo had been uploaded and tagged appropriately... I was surprised, though.

Do you really think Amazon launched this major endeavor without, you know, running it past legal first?

Not. True. The *reaction* shut down. The core heat is residual, even after the reaction itself has been arrested. Maybe we're conflating terms here, but the reaction itself was terminated nearly instantly; there's just a LOT of residual core heat and it's VERY difficult to dissipate.

I would've loved for a bit of camera work on the screen showing its "radar" like that showed at the very end, but during the run. That was insane, though. Faster than you imagine when you hear "self-driving car" for some reason. Here's hoping it doesn't Force Close...