
@buckleyneko: It's actually fed the question in plain text when it comes up, apparently. But it's ostensibly not fed ahead of time or anything like that.

I had just gotten on an airplane to meet my family in Florida for a week-long cruise, leaving from Phoenix. I got a call as I settled in on the plane from my father.

I'm a PC gamer and as such, I buy my games almost exclusively on Steam. Occasionally, as with Assassin's Creed II, the Amazon or Wal-Mart price is cheap enough to warrant having it shipped, but usually Steam does the trick, keeps everything in one place, and let's me connect with friends.

Man, having the rails on the outside really shatters the illusion. Would be nice if there were an internal piece on rails, and perhaps a wheel along the top rim to allow it to slide.

I... don't know why, but I was utterly flummoxed how any power loss could cause serious supply chain issues for our nation's potato chip supply.

@elkhockey8960: Their corporate websites? Absolutely not. They're gateways. You'll notice that Anonymous didn't take down the payment processing engines. Just their corporate sites. Flashy sounding targets with, it's likely, very little comparative traffic. Or do you frequently log in to Visa.com?

"it's only a matter of time until it's brought to its knees just like Mastercard's corporate site and PayPal were this week, after the DDoS attacks."

@Jakooboo?: My office is on Mill, so I see the planes on approach out my window, just behind A mountain. Very cool to see how close they get.

Is it just me or is almost everything Yanko designs far too post-modern and completely unpractical for real-world usage? There are so many problems with their designs, it's like they dream up concepts without giving any practical thought to the actual usability and implementation issues.

While I'm annoyed with how the non-image feeds display as well, I'm really happy with how the app functions otherwise. It parses news links even to sources outside your main article to fit in text format, which is great for a mobile device. Overall, a nice, clean app, though it could definitely improve.

Is there ANY way to "mark all as read" like you can do in Windows? Skype seems to me to be one of the worst pieces of software, across EVERY platform. Windows? OS X? iOS? Android? They all have immense shortcomings and horrible failings. For $4B, you would've thought eBay could have cleaned that shit up before

A light bulb went off when I finally realized that having most stuff shipped to the office was the way to go. No more dealing with signature slips. Worked less than perfectly on the 50" plasma, though...

@Improbable: Came here to say the exact same thing.

It should be noted that basically every Fortune 500 company with a strong international presence sets up an international subsidiary, and then pays taxes where that subsidiary is based. In this particular instance, it's the EU/UK who is missing out on the effective tax dollars, because the sales are attributed to

Where did you get that they're being removed? Tate is going to keep the exhibit up, but for now, they're not letting people walk on them. They have to observe them. Which is totally lame, but not the same as removing them outright. #corrections

@PJ Edwards: I couldn't BELIEVE he hit the X spot on. Fucking incredible.

@reuthermonkey: Typically speaking, as you allude to, the helicoptering is a sunk cost. In Phoenix, the primary bird spends one hour up, one hour down, and if it's up when it's needed, they'll place it for just about whatever fits. Very little "extra" fuel spent. If they scrambled the chopper just for this event...

@vinod1978: American McNuggets are white meat as well. No major fast food chain uses this process for their chicken. (They have to list it as mechanically separated in the ingredients list, which makes it easy to spot.)

@Jackdilla: THANK you for bringing about a modicum of sanity to this discussion. I'm really tired of watching this catch like wildfire and people saying THIS IS WHAT MCNUGGETS ARE MADE OF or Wendy's nuggets or whatever.