
@aec007: I came here to say this exactly. India and China have absolutely horrifying air quality issues. Most days in big cities in India the weather forecast is "haze" or "smog". There appears to be a major causality/correlation issue here and it strikes me as something incredibly difficult to pin down with such

Skype has the rare quality of being some of the worst software I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with on pretty much every platform I've tried. From FADING MY MUSIC OUT and back in to play the small incoming IM sound to causing my Linux-using friend to repeatedly auto-resend-and-fail a file transfer, to

@grem28: It may be sacrilege, but I'm really impressed with the Logitech Z-5500 5.1 system. It's THX-certified, the sub is INSANE, has optical, coax, and 6-channel in, DTS decoding, and is only about $300 now... totally amazing, and fantastic for movies, games, or anything in between.

The original source is on Flickr:

@John Steele: Typically, on sites with advanced security, the source of the attack doesn't matter: if someone tries and fails more than 10 times, say, on a given account, it will put you in time-out and not allow you to login for 10 minutes, for instance.

@madog: Haha. I see what you did there. My password is ***********

@G-Ram: If you're someone who at all enjoys Sun Chips, it becomes staggeringly obvious to you the instant you pick up the bag. Birds stop chirping. People stop walking. Rain stops falling. All when they hear the bag.

@Tony Kaye: Tony, I'm aware of how to comment on the site. And yeah, I should've used #corrections and toned it down a bit, but to be fair, being an intern IS about being paid to write intelligently, if they're letting you post here. I don't care if she works for free—she's interning for experience and opportunity and

"'til" not "till", and "their", not "there". Was this article written in Chinese and poorly Google Translated over? Horrible.

@Temulent: I think you're misunderstanding the naming convention issue: Ford named their product after a noun. Apple named theirs with a superlative adjective that can be considered objectively wrong.

Had to wait for the union guy to come and turn the package.

@WestwoodDenizen: In fact, it was called "Time Enough At Last". Man, that's good shit.

@technoindigo: There's also build quality: Gold Toes, for instance, last way longer for me, versus the shitball socks of yore.

@suburbancowboy: CNN started doing this for precisely the reasons you mentioned

@dparks: This is a civil case brought on by the producers of the film... Do you also want to blame Putin because he was once President of Russia? He has just as much to do with these judicial proceedings as Obama, Bush, or even Clinton, though I'll give you a DMCA connection at its most tenuous.

We use KeePass with Dropbox to ensure that the passwords database is up to date and stored in a way that we can all reach. The database is update-tolerant, in that it can detect if the file changes out from under itself and then can MERGE the changes, instead of merely dropping one for the other. Really nice.

Curious, the photo here is listed as non-commercial CC... Is Lifehacker suddenly not-for-immense-Nick-Denton-profit?

@swc oxcart: Right, so, I have two GMail "application shortcuts" pinned to the large taskbar. They look fine. But if I have a proper Chrome window open, and then open a new GMail "application" window, it doesn't know to persist as an open form of the pinned icon, like it does with every other app. Instead, it creates

Have they fixed the way Windows 7 groups "application shortcut" programs? Because goddamn does Chrome fuck that up hard.

@nutbastard: My first thought exactly. The crown vic is wonderfully recognizable, with the amber turn lights inside the headlights. This looks a little less distinct, frustratingly.