I’m not the only one who thinks Davos is kinda hot right?
Also, Lady Mormont made the same exact objection in that council. But no one minds that.
Another commenter here once called Trump “President Dunning-Kruger” and I think that just about sums him up
Omg Yes, only when you read Trump’s ‘dialog’ in the voice of coked up Macho Man Randy Savage does it start to make sense.
My prescription amphetamines KEEP ME from sounding like this. Maybe only taking 1 a day in the AM with food helps though. I haven’t crushed them up and snorted them off of Putin’s bare chest.
No! Don’t fall for it. He’s been throwing heart and love into his word soup since - good lord I can’t even remember which scandal it was... anyway since he realized everyone pretty much hates him.
I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.
Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.
True, and we’re seeing more of male selkies in recent literature, for sure. But for the sake of this discussion, there weren’t the same kind of fairy tales about male selkies back in the day. It was always the female selkies and the males who trapped them.
For some reason my 4 year old is suddenly interested in Greek mythology, which is great because I’ve always been a fan of all different kinds of mythology, used to study them for fun, and thought I had a million stories to tell him. Then I started actually thinking about the stories.
“Ok, here’s one! One day Zeus saw…
The narrative is always the same: women must overlook the monstrosity of their mates and search for redeeming qualities. He’s nice to me, even if he’s cruel and sadistic to everyone else. He’s providing a good home, even if he beats me. He has a title/social status even though he’s running us into debt and abusing…
I’m with Garbo
The “Anthropocene Epoch” is a proposed epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on the Earth’s geology and ecosystems.
One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:
Would anyone be interested in my similarly-themed DIY article, "Everything I Fucked Up While Trying To Act Like Anthony Bourdain For Most of My Twenties"?
Seriously, if I was rich, I would hire someone to chop my vegetables...that shit is the worst.