Yeah Tebow is preferred to Brady upon dismissing talent, experience, success, and other irrelevent attributes to footbaw.
Yeah Tebow is preferred to Brady upon dismissing talent, experience, success, and other irrelevent attributes to footbaw.
He wants Tim Tebow over a four-time Super Bowl champion.
Let the record reflect I starred this for the phrase “big, sad, empty metal butthole.”
While I’ll concede that Atlanta got a better deal from the Falcons than many other cities have, city ownership of a stadium doesn’t mean a whole lot in terms of leverage when the stadium’s entire value is derived by the team continuing to play there. Without the Falcons, the city is the proud owner of a big, sad,…
If I could, I would down vote this comment straight to hell. I hate you, your parents and everyone who shares your last name. Thanks for ruining my morning. I was trying to cash my unemployment check but now I’m too damn angry. Fuck you!
Having concluded the portion of the day in which he does and says reasonable things, Blank returned to overseeing construction of a taxpayer-subsidized, robot sphincter stadium.