
Gotta agree cos the ‘argument’ felt so contrived. I’m no fan of the soap side of US TV but this wasn’t even trying. Have they got a different writer doing the slop this season, because previously what made that stuff less annoying on izombie was it seemed credible, but this breakup seems more like going through the

A mob of muso so far past their use by date they have the greenish blue tinge of penicillin mould and penicillen can’t cure even a mild rash anymore.

Condescend much McLevy? It has been apparent from the get go that you just don’t grasp the netflix model. Nothing new there the world is full of ex ‘tv professionals’ who like you, are still caught up in the insta-ratings nonsense which has always been stacked full of deceptions, particularly when it comes to shows

Why? Why does AV club persist in daily articles about the trump fella when he doesn’t even do that crappy apprentice thing any more?
I wouldn’t watch a SoTU if you paid me big - not cause it is the apprentice host, but because SoTU’s are more predictable and formulaic than a CBS procedural. A self-important paid liar

Did the rug kark it as well?

Here we go again, another piece of pseudo scientific nonsense about so-called serial killers whose incidence in the real world is paltry verging on negligible. These sort of shows suffer the same problem as the superstitious based ones about ghost zombies and demons; a viewer is never going to run the risk of crossing

Even tho I already watched season 2 on Showtime Can, I’ve started streaming Traveler season 2 on netflix. This show is by far and away the best SciFi of 2017 IMO.
I don’t wanna spoil it with any details but those who caught season 1 last year should know season 2 is even better and if you haven’t seen either both

The most saddening aspect of it - if living a life of luxury in a nation overloaded with abject poverty can ever be ‘sad’, is that in his own way Charlie was making exactly the same error as Phil the dill did. That is he was foisting an education on his children based upon what he had experienced as a boy rather than

So sad to see that many in this thread allowed their foolish belief in a contest between two sides that is mostly rigged and always self serving influence their feelings about this episode. The Kennedys were gangsters or have you all forgotten that the family money game from drug running? Alcohol during prohibition

Hmm I’m always a bit uncomfortable when there is an assumption that the Nazis were the most evil bunch of low lifes ever. Not that they weren’t a mob of sneering, cruel mass murderers because they were, its the assumption that they were somehow worse than the swine who have murdered millions more humans since the

Nah it is only englanders who have any interest in the inbred chinless Teutonic fascists. Those who live on the rest of that island prefers to ignore their antics as much as possible.

What a pile of steaming tossage this runaways has turned out to be.

What a mob of pedantic curmudgeons are visiting their angst upon us in this thread.

Hmm nah. Whatever SF writer got a credit and judging by your list, none I was particularly keen on, the end result was as formulaic and predictable as a Bonanza episode.

Killing Trenton & Mobley, framing them for the attacks then claiming “They are allied with Iran” is just too close to the nonsense being foisted on the masses in the Real World, to be tolerable.

Cultural differences eh. I haven’t watched The Simpson’s for a long time but I always assumed Apu owned the store - why? Because where I live (on t’other side of the world), many of the convenience stores are owned by South Asians.

I don’t read many reviews of this show, probably because I have never taken star trek very seriously. I watched the first couple of seasons avidly as a kid, but it came across as far too removed from the SF fiction published at that time to be regarded as any sort of ‘classic’. Original Star Trek (is that what “TOS”

FFS If only all ordinary people, and by that I mean all normal human beings who aren’t billionaires, sociopaths or both would recognise that the neoliberal stance articulated by the likes of the DNC which seeks to divide class war into a kazillion subsets competing n arguing and harrassing each other over semantic

What else do ypu expect from cbs? Just because they hire a handful of unwhite women for the first coupla episodes to beef up the equity stats, surely doesn’t mean they have to keep them all season. This is a prequel to the Kirk series. So if at the end of episode 8 there is still a token ‘alien’ and a woman of color &

No, No, NO Ochoa - you tanked Blood Drive for this by the numbers 2 dimensional bucket of tub thumping, flag waving tosh? Well you’ve just been tossed from the top of my favorite actress of ‘16 list into the garbage.