Dying Light is better than both Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider by leaps and bounds, my guy
Dying Light is better than both Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider by leaps and bounds, my guy
lol halo 5
It’s all subjective, I think Dying Light is at least better than Halo 5 and Oxenfree personally. Forza 6 and Rise of the Tome Raider are top tier in my book though.
Well that blows (assuming it does end up axing DLC). Online modes are fun, to be sure, but to me, they don’t replace what a single player experience brings to the table, especially with a game like GTA.
That’s really kind of unfortunate as the only thing that would bring me back to GTA V is single player content. Then again, I don’t appear to be their target market any more.
I’ve played with it, but it sure as fuck wasn’t worth never getting a content expansion to the single-player content.
Swing and a miss
Maybe it’ll convince Sony to do a PS4 release for it then... complete with trophies, bug fixes, and all that jazz.
I can’t imagine how well it would have sold were it available on the PS4, a console people actually own.
And neither of them did character progression/customization as well as GTA: San Andreas, in my opinion. I miss my fat CJ.
The success rate of Kickstarter is probably similar or even better to the success rate of the entire video game industry. So are you going to give up on video games completely?
And just the main fucking menu takes as long if not longer to load than every fucking thing else in that god damned game....They are so full of shit that the last patch fixed the loading times, its ridiculous how long and often the damn game loads.
I’ve not ever to my knowledge ever had framerate issues on the PS4...The major problem are the fucking beyond ridiculous load times for EVERYTHING....Even their bullshit patch that “fixed” load times didn’t do shit. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t constantly fucking load on even the most pedestrian things like the…
Did you miss the part where he mentioned PS4 and sub 30 fps performance?
I had the early EGM issues way back and in the PS2 days and sold them for hundreds of dollars. Waiting for the new EGM to arrive in the mail each month was the best! When a new issue would arrive and I’d run straight to the bathroom for #2 and some video game news and reviews. You kids with your Internet today don’t…
So I’m supposed to magically just know which headlines to not read, yeah? Because that’s totally how written word on a news website works.
Gardai from Crumlin are investigating.
That would be called a vaseline mod. Works on all programs and OS’s. It’s like putting, say, barbed wire on a minigun. It’s just a tweak to the sharpness of the metal around the barrel.
play New Vegas and rejoice in the glory in the best game, period, made in the Gamebryo-era engines
It’s not a mod; as Reddit_is_wrong (who made the screenshots) explains, they’re the result of some tweaks to the ENB injector SweetFX/Reshade,