
The frustration is compounded by the fact that I can buy, but not play, this through my PS4. Maybe 7 years ago I purchased a Metal Slug Anthology on PS3 through PSN only to find that the game was only for PSP. Its crazy that the issue still persists.

Could not agree more. And Suikoden III is ONLY on PS3. Sony’s ecosystem drives me nuts.

This is only available on PSP, Vita, and PS3. That's infuriating and stupid. Would have bought. Oh well.

>“[It] honestly makes me cringe a little bit because she’s only 13 years old,”

I feel the same way. Nobody in the west wants to see a 13 year in old in a bikini, except people that make us very very concerned. I really don’t even understand it from an eastern perspective, to be honest, but that is the definition of cultural differences.

Should have posted the orchestrated version.

One of my favorite-of-all-time game soundtracks. many games is Squeenix developing, exactly?

I looked at it. It looks awful.

I miss sprites.

What a save!

I suspect they were worried that console players would reach the Far Lands and start to complain, while the average lifespan of a cellphone isn’t enough to travel 12 million blocks, and besides that, anyone who plays MC on a phone is probably wacky enough to not lose their shit there.

The popularity of this game with kids boggles my mind. I work at a tutoring center on the side and there are 7,8 and 9 year old kids who tell me it’s their favorite game, some of whom have never actually played it! I played it a bit back when the beta first released and it was clever and fun, but I never could have

Yeah, people are over-reacting to an online poll, but I do feel anything up for consideration of “Best Game Ever” should be at least a few years old to give time to let the hype die down. I mean, if you did a poll of funniest movies ever in 2004 or 2005, Napoleon Dynamite probably would have won. Nowadays, not so much.

Undertale fans are like Stephen Universe fans. I know the thing they are championing is probably really good and something I would enjoy, but they are so obnoxious that I can’t bring myself to checking out the thing they go on and on about.

I draw the line at Super Mario World. Fallout 3, Pokemon Gen 1, Super Mario 64, and so on I can see losing but god damn it SMW is the GOAT.

The problem here is how quickly you are to throw around the word “censorship”. You can certainly make the argument that removing a breast size slider is an act of censorship and I don’t think you’d be totally incorrect, but the issue is that any reasonable person who doesn’t closely follow the topic is going to think

I think people are shitting on it because we don’t need to see the same movie twice.

I’d like Barrett to be a little less a cartoony racial stereotype. That would also be nice. But even as a stereotype his character was compelling. FF7 was an amazing game.

Seriously. This fucking game. This might be the only instance where I got suckered into getting the pass at a Gamestop and retroactively didn't regret it. CD Projekt Red has ensured a FROM software level of devotion from me.

No word on when the dialogue system will be fixed, because there’s just no way the system that’s in the game isn’t an alpha kludge used for testing that just happened to sneak into the final game by accident, right?