Are you surprised? They did this with the other game mobile-to-Steam ports. To clarify, the true “definitive edition” of this is the GBA port: enhanced translations and added stuff, etc.
Are you surprised? They did this with the other game mobile-to-Steam ports. To clarify, the true “definitive edition” of this is the GBA port: enhanced translations and added stuff, etc.
its glorious, unless you don’t like tough rpgs, or rpgs that are 100% serious all the time.
It’s unapologetically old school. If you liked Fallout 1 and 2, warts and all, you will like Wasteland 2. If you find that the old games try your patience, Wasteland 2 will too.
There is always Wasteland 2, and it’s glorious.
Have you played Wasteland 2?
honestly this looks lame as fuck. from the kid in fucking cat ears to the plucky, “I’ll never give up!” dialogue, to the generic looking world design, this looks entirely skippable. and this is from someone who rather desperately wanted to play the first one when I only had a 360.
Don’t. I wont be wasting my time on this junk. How could anyone be excited about this. The trailer was every terrible Jrpg cliche in one place and with terrible voice acting to boot. I gave into the hype last time and wont budge again. Probably. Maybe.
Man that was a really lackluster ending. As others have mentioned, they should have closed with Ni No Kuni 2. OR if they were gonna close with Paragon, maybe show that gameplay footage. But closing with a CG trailer for a MOBA? That just left me thinking “ok, so what?” What separates this one from LoL, HotS, Dota2,…
I bought the first game based on Kotaku’s strong recommendation and was greeted by a bloated, boring game, with a frustrating battle system that constantly challenged my patience with its terrible AI.
Fun fact: This is a boy, Yes, I’m not kidding.
you can also watch it on Youtube, if you prefer that.
why? I’ve never even heard of such an idea. they may as well have said put orange juice in your tea because of how insane it sounds to me.
who the FUCK would put milk in tea?????? fucking disgusting.
I hated Last of Us. Couldn’t even finish it. Such a self-righteous turd production.
I thought you were talking about Fallout 4 until you got to DLC.
Best comment.
Shut up, furry.
DLC for an okay game on a fairly unpopular platform is less interesting to the average gamer than a new cross-platform Batman game honestly.
When it’s on a platform people actually care about, it’ll be news.