
i miss the beauty of the swamps cypriss stumps and the culture not to mention the food!!! i too am living in texas and miss louisiana everyday!!!!! it is a beautiful place and the majority of the people are some of the best around!!!

jeff davis parissh jennings in particular used to be a pretty nice place as a kid i would walk or ride my bike all over town with nothing to worry about....there were cops and seriff dept members that were dirty even then but drugs werent so prevalent then.....i am not raising my kids there and when we visit they dont

so sorry about your mom.....thats terrabile

i was born and raised in jennings and it is not ugly ...but the things going on in my hometown break my heart!! i know one of detectives who fired because he was turning evidence over to a dept. out of the parish and the parish he turned it in to turned right around and turned that evidence in to the so called task