Disgruntled Pinecone

I said that during season 3, then again before the season 4 winter break, and now I've just given up. What a sad, sad way for what was once a unique, solid TV show to go.

I'm not surprised Scandal has lost its spark. Disappointed, but not surprised. Shonda Rhimes' track record (Grey's, Private Practice) makes me think that she's capable of creating 2 highly addictive, interesting seasons of television at best, before losing steam and coasting on the enthusiasm of the fandom and "zomg!"

I'm just trying to process Shonda having a black woman selling herself into slavery on TV during black history month. *whew* I really hope this is going somewhere good.

I just looked that ish up. Aaaaaaand… now my lunch has been ruined.

Damn. That point is hella true.

You're probably right. Network television aint what it used to be :P

Because while it started out as a joke on the show, many fans took it literally and spun it out of proportion, and turned it into syrupy symbol of <3 OLITZ!!!! love and now there are Jam Cabins and Jam Extended Fantasies and ACTUAL FUCKING OLITZ JAM available for purchase: http://www.sidehillfarmjam….

I hope they have archer drinking boozy coffee/chocolate drinks in every episode this season (the creme de menthe/hot chocolate thing in ep 3 was gold as well)

It's such a stupid fantasy, even for this show, that I'm just a little surprised how many people in the fandom took it seriously. I mean, yeah I definitely think Olivia and Fitz are hot together when they're getting it on his desk, or in a closet, or in their jam cabin. But then they get their clothes on and Fitz

it looks like he was grabbing her ass. but yeah. Fitz has busy hands.

This episode will crush the hearts of all the fans who seriously though Liv would end up making jam in Vermont with Fitz. When she opened that fridge and the camera lingered on the jam, it was the one point in the episode I actually felt compelled to laugh a little.

I hope they have a unit on the emotive properties of Kerry Washington's quivering lips.

OH GOD! *Weeps* *rocks silently back and forth* I'm just so happy…