Haha! Someone has a job. Loser!
Haha! Someone has a job. Loser!
It's The Abyss/DeepStar Six/The Evil Below/Leviathan/Lords of the Deep/The Rift all over again.
It's Dr. Strangelove/Fail-Safe all over again!
Benghazi Episode III: Revenge of the Jihadi
When are they going to get to the plastic bag factory?
Is that the one where you grow man tits? I once had those. You're really sticking it to those offensive linemen!
Thanks. I was quite surprised that it wasn't already registered by an av clubber.
It's always a joy to watch a fat man try to run.
What does God need with a Starship?
I hope we don't have another replay of Problematicghazi.
With Chris Evans as Luz Long.
But Bronx Community College is Ivy League, right?
I hate that smug Ivy League prick you.
Are you my sister?
Does your brother have a degree in linguistics (or whatnot) and a mouth like Samuel L. Jackson?
As someone whose sister is a Cornell graduate, I'm deeply offended to see Duke being referred to as Ivy League.
I think you blue your chance Beastie boy.
Even if you were my brother, I'd still want to fuck you.
Anyone who homicidally screams at Jeopardy is okay by me.
Well lookey here, someone speaks Danish.