
Don't blame music criticism for "legitimate artists" making garbage music that's being lapped by seemingly disposable pop music. Kesha earned an 82 on Metacritic just as the supposedly infallible Arcade Fire earned (a generous) 66 for their newest album. We'd be lucky if "real" singer/songerwriters were making the

Here's something else to think about on a rewatch too: if the original films were about Ripley, who quite literally becomes the xenomorphs' mother at a certain point, then these prequels are about David who we now know are their father. I honestly think what Ridley is trying to do is like a dark mirror version of the

I kind of agree, but I found that the weird second act in the spooky lantern-lit castle and the general nastiness of the movie was enough to subvert the more conventional parts. There's something so twisted in how Ridley decides to end it and the dark sense of humour which runs through everything. It feels like a more

I thought Covenant was great. It's like a gothic Hammer horror film set within the outskirts of the Alien universe. All Blomkamp wanted to do was cheap fan service which rewrote Alien 3 and Resurrection so I much prefer Ridley's slightly more twisted take.

"With his vision for Alien 5 abandoned due to Ridley Scott’s sudden desire to ram that series into the ground as hard and fast as possible."

Get Da Funk out of here with your puns.

"It would be better for his health." Are you trying to sound like a '40s gangster?

I had a hunch this wasn't a prestige drama in the first scene of the first episode when Paul Giamatti was peed on.

Can you name one other show that has a non-gendered character?

I still wish this show would give Malin Akerman ANYTHING to do but it's satisfying to watch these rich powerful assholes scheming to destroy each other in fiendish ways. The addition of a unique and progressive character like Taylor into the mix adds some gravitas to counter how trashy pretty much everything else is.

Adrien Brody went method to play the Rastafarian character who introduced Sean Paul on SNL. He was so intense and believable in the role that he was asked to never return to the show.

Finally…the origins of Bazinga will be learned.

MGSV has a definitive ending. The game is structured as two halves which mirror each other for obvious reasons once you finish it. It begins and ends with the exact same mission told in two different ways. It would've been missing the point of how the game is arranged to then include a third part. You're doing a huge

He deconstructs beards just as he deconstructs genres.

I laughed very hard at the solar panels gag.

A lot of these Kickstarter nostalgia projects fall apart or end up being terrible but Obduction is a legitimately good game. Much respect to Cyan for pulling it off.

I think MAYA at least deserves credit for doing the intentionally abrasive, synth-heavy beats which Yeezus got acclaimed for first.

It wasn't just the New York Times. Every publication and site was writing weirdly vitriolic things about her when MAYA was released.

Rivers sings "fag of the year who could beat up your man" in the second verse of this song so no. Probably not great for kids.

I thought The Vanishing of Ethan Carter was impressive purely on a technical level. The game is beautiful, intricately designed and uses this scanning technique which makes every single texture in the game unique and detailed to an insane degree. That a small team managed to make a game that looks better than even