Alfonso P. P. Fatty III

NO. I will not let you turn this into a White people hate Black men thing. Fuck you. Soooooooo many black people will forgive black celebs of anything simply because they’re black. Even when their victims are black women (which they usually are). It’s a fucking problem. You’re not absolved because you belong to an

I’ve had several of these and never broken one. What are people doing...?

I was just pointing out that people always say they want to live in another decade and completely gloss over the worst parts of it. Not a lot is different now, sure, but it was still harder to be anything but a white male in the 60s. Infinitely harder. A lot of laws we also take for granted were brand new (depending

We destabilized an entire region of the world. The US is absolutely to blame for this. We created the context. We murdered thousands. We leveled towns and cities. We created vacuums inside vacuums. Our actions made this possible.

I think they forgot the rape part and were thinking of refugees only.

The summer riots, the murder of black leaders, the Vietnam War, the spying on American citizens, the fear of communism, the specter of nuclear war...a FABULOUS time.

In a shocking twist, people do sometimes get over things that happened 17 years ago, if they happened at all, and if it wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place because nothing came of it.

Not sure how I’m trying hard by saying that fat jokes are gross and tired and unimaginative, because being fat neither a joke nor an insult. Maybe stop being such a wank?

HBO: “We should have put the black people in the front to use as human shields. Our mistake.”

There are other ways to mock this woman. Mocking her for her body size is unnecessary. Be more creative than that, for fuck’s sake.

What I truly hate about Haredi is how much they lead non Jews to believe that Judaism approves of the dismissal and erasure of women in any place that isn’t their home. Haredi men go outside daily and see women there, and they do not burst into flames (although they might lose their shit if they see you on a cellphone

He’s been hounded and harassed like crazy. He’s allowed.

Literally insane. I am so afraid of people like this.

No no no. You are very wrong. I am from Southern California, and lived the last three years in San Diego. Taco Tuesday is THE thing, and I always had to miss it because we had staff meetings every Tuesday night at a job I had for two and a half years.

You must NEVER move the pillows.

I live not far from there now. I could probably drive by it.

My first thought was, It’s raining again here in California, and that walkway will be a horrifying nightmare come winter.

Did y’all know we’ve been in WWI for 100 years? I certainly didn’t. I thought it ENDED almost 100 years ago. But I guess it’s still goin’!

I am really, really not old enough for this. I was born in 1990 and while it’s been kind of fun to see things I recall/wore/liked from my childhood come back into style, there are some other things that need to stay in the 90s. Such things were absolutely only acceptable in the 90s and will never, EVER be cool or

You’re my family now.