What I want that too. I wish wikileaks hired past presidents.
What I want that too. I wish wikileaks hired past presidents.
The cool thing about this industry is no one can sue you if it fails
post iPod era
on iPad 2....same thing, nothing new. Not even Siri made it. Any one want an iPad 2 for 260 Euro and in NRW (Cologne) Germany hit me up? cause I'm outta this operating system
Picture gets annoying after a while right?
just surround it with tin foil and you're good. 2 layers.
I'm kinda glad it got cancelled. Now people are more passionate about it and can make awesome stuff...no wait, I'm not glad...come back to us Firefly
Am I the only one who thought this would be the actualy washing machine sound? not the buttons, but make a march from the washing cycles.
That is true, I choose to read it. But I meant on a general note, America is the world's leader in almost everything (except soccer, goes to the Spanish atm), but they are lagging behind with the imperial system. There are some industries that have switched already, but tubing and fittings remain imperial. It would be…
gr8 idea and video. But plz plz stop with the inches, switch to metric already.
I like digg, it had a simpler touch than others. I wonder if one day the other networks die and when they do, how will it look like. 4chan, Reddit, Facebook. Digg was so web 2.0. Myspace well is Myspace, but it has good music, I go there for that. New sounds and indie artists.
Damn it. We had a deal. It's supposed to stay fiction. I think we are in the future guys. Really. The world has caught up with sci fi. That's why I hate many articles on Gizmodo and here. It's always "Scientists developed artificial brain" or "cloaking is now real", and so on. No solutions to the panic the entire…
From the looks of it, she's very curvy and works out.
Another 5 years of hype and pain to get this technology to our hands. Then yet another 5 for it to be readily available. :(
To think this all started from Napster. But this is ridiculous! Do these law makers ever use the internet? Have they seen how many copyrighted stuff out there.
Redo it in stop motion
Staisfies my action fix every time. Too bad this style died down, along with Samurai Jack.