
But that's just going to keep the big companies in play. What should indie people do? I'm against rip offs. But isn't this what the entire industry is based on, ripping off small ideas here and there. For example, the gravity gun, or the stealing a car? Who's to say what makes a game genuine. Then it becomes a patent

I always liked that Lego never got violent. It was their staple. Now they have machine guns, armor suits, and more expressive art/ franchise ever. Now when I look at their new stuff, it feels tainted. They only had old muskets with the Armada, then slowly expanded to the Cowboy times, and so on. I understand it's

plus these third party stands will cost the price of a full game

Merge to form Devastator

For the love of all that is holy! Someone feed these poor things. Reminds me of Santa's little helper

Build a ship, hire a rough team of bucaneers, and harass rich people's yachts for their booty

I'm curious, what's worse than having your balls struck with lighting? That probably as bad as it gets.

Getting these, prime's weapon could be better though

Oh this will be great

Pics or it didn't happen ;)

Dave Chappelle has the license to fake game

Wow, this is so scientific , To make a conclusion like play lots of games, get better at school. I was mislead, though good for the guy

I could never get used the scream when the player died

Blah blah blah, lalalalala, I can't hear you. where is hl2e3 or hl3?

Finally, new zombies. Bops is one of best games I ever played. If u have never played zombies u r missing out. While u guys r getting arrows in the knee, we zombie fans make a real difference in team management , and mitigate future risk when the zombie apocalypse comes.

That is amazing. Now all the mice females will be all over this lucky mofo

Instagram is Facebook therefore I can never partake in it , lest they somehow violate privacy in a static image of San Fran.

I'm not too pleased about this. That just means those that were already partners will make less money and will feel less special. I feel less special now. Tricky tricky Google.

What about us Loggers? Who like to turn around and split our poop in half?

Here is an idea. Why don't they get Michael Bay to direct this game or produce it or W/e. Then he can mess this one up too. Raziel doesn't eat souls now, he eats explosions.