
It’s just depressing and also incredibly horrifying.

This is less surprising then finding a Confederate Flag in Stephen Miller’s bedroom.

I don’t want to brag, but I am an absolute savage in the immediate vicinity of an 8 foot rim. I’ll never get into heaven after the things I’ve done.

Barber: What you want?

Larry Nance Jr: Make me look like a 2K default player

Barber: Say no more fam

That’s a burner. So Miami doesn’t find out about the cities he’s screwing on the side

But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?

As crazy as it might sound, there isn’t a single player in the league you could offer Golden State who’d they take over Klay.

“I was.”
-Ray Rice

C’mon man, show Isaiah Thomas some respect.

I’m genuinely sorry if his response offended you.

Brutal. +1 knee.

“Hey Colin, are you sitting down? I got some big news for you.”

For anybody to think this is a perfect game, they’re kidding themselves.

We found love in a ropeless place.

I can’t wait for The Root’s piece telling us he isn’t either “black enough” or “woke enough”