It’s just depressing and also incredibly horrifying.
It’s just depressing and also incredibly horrifying.
Friday night Tony Romo shared the following photo from Jerry Jones’s Hall of Fame party:
This is less surprising then finding a Confederate Flag in Stephen Miller’s bedroom.
I don’t want to brag, but I am an absolute savage in the immediate vicinity of an 8 foot rim. I’ll never get into heaven after the things I’ve done.
Barber: What you want?
Larry Nance Jr: Make me look like a 2K default player
Barber: Say no more fam
That’s a burner. So Miami doesn’t find out about the cities he’s screwing on the side
But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?
As crazy as it might sound, there isn’t a single player in the league you could offer Golden State who’d they take over Klay.
“I was.”
-Ray Rice
C’mon man, show Isaiah Thomas some respect.
I’m genuinely sorry if his response offended you.
Brutal. +1 knee.
“Hey Colin, are you sitting down? I got some big news for you.”
For anybody to think this is a perfect game, they’re kidding themselves.
Carlos Humberto Cardona was one of over 40,000 people taken into custody by ICE agents during the first 100 days of…
Look at this unusually small man punking himself in the stands of today’s Blue Jays tilt against the White Sox:
The internet is nothing if not full of men sending desperate tweets to members of the porn industry.
We found love in a ropeless place.
I can’t wait for The Root’s piece telling us he isn’t either “black enough” or “woke enough”