I have been a super duper! supporter forever)
I have been a super duper! supporter forever)
stop...drop...shut 'em down stand em by start [button]-whoa
belkin is like the radio shack of networking equipment. They're still around, but nobody really knows how or why
selection is limited, but I go to good will for business/interview attire. The chances that they have an Armani/Hugo Boss/Jos. A Banks/etc aren't the greatest, but over the span of a few stores you're bound to find something in your size, and well under $50-$75 for a complete suit (incl. shirt+tie+shoes+belt)
I'm not MacGyver. If zippers break its one less step to getting dressed, and cherries are a fruit worth passing up. paperclips exist for resetting routers/switches/cable modems in my world...plain and simple
@myotheralt: @discounteggroll: How do you change your credit card number?
memorizing your CC# is generally a bad thing because above all it means you can use it (online) without even having to have it. I generally change it every 2-3 months so that I don't make that impulsive buy whenever I come across something I see
I recorded all my classes on a digital voice recorder and archived them when I got back from class. that way when there was a gap in my notes I could go back and re-write what I missed. not a cure, but definitely a good way to make up for what you missed
2 chicks at the same time
@Oneshot417: seriously?
the apocalypse has begun...I must retrieve my tinfoil hat
memorizing your credit card # is ALWAYS detrimental to establishing good credit. If you know it by heart; it's time to get a new CC#
I've gotta drumbstick; wheres the wings!
this also works on PowerPC-based macs, albeit the lack of a bootcamp partition for obvious reasons.
no turbo button? what a rip-off
enabling fast user switching (OS X) is a good way to utilize this, but only when necessary (don't get used to it, otherwise you'll mix work and play too much)
my bad, it's oxiclean, not oxyclean