oxyclean is a college kid's best friend. I hate the infomercials, but I'll be damned at how effectively (and easily) a lazy person can get uncleanable stuff clean.
oxyclean is a college kid's best friend. I hate the infomercials, but I'll be damned at how effectively (and easily) a lazy person can get uncleanable stuff clean.
pretty rough and ugly, but probably a better explanation of what I was thinking about:
I think having color coded boxes around each month would make it a lot easier to read (and not block out all the other months with your thumbs
no relaunch command for terminal? no biggie, but it would save a step
throw em all in a bowl of water. whichever ones float are ruled out
work at a private school. we get RAIN delays/days off; and since it's private, we don't have to make them up at the end of the year =)
at&t asked me for my first born or my ssn as proof of ID. I reluctantly chose the latter
but what about my 12v blender? I can't give up my smoothies
did they seriously call a california roll a "japanese sugar cube"?
I oxyclean that sumbitch. if that doesn't work, its time for a new one.
please...before you go ahead and do this, RTFM. otherwise you might clusterf*ck your whole library
but I love my many 3 prong to 2 prong adapters
@ajskhan: me thinks everyone should be using fatwallet as the main deal source...SD is for the elite few XD
this is really useful, especially when soldering shit together. copper piping and alligator clips are a cheap alternative and add to the steampunk look
lifehacker, meet consumerist...Play nice. Hey, do I see SD and FW playing around in the near future? If so count me in as a contributing editor. Really!
quick post-facto editing.