I just wear a helmet cam at work, but this might be useful too
I just wear a helmet cam at work, but this might be useful too
[msrp cost of parts necessary] + [estimated amt of hours to complete project]* $75p.h.
30 second shorties seem to get the job done, and quite well. anything longer and the attention draws elsewhere
when I worked retail at a famous fruit-branded computer company we had to check licenses/passports for ALL credit card purchases (even small stuff like headphones/cables). I think its a good idea, but small ticket places (i.e. supermarkets/marts/corner stores) don't have the time or patience to deal with it.
slickdeals and [dealspl.us] have emptied my wallet completely
im a guy, but effing love the asian grilled chicken salad at McD's
ill be mature this time and pass on any phallic comments I would normally contribute
Wokfi wins hands down
very good writeup. I especially liked the way he showed that laptops can be used portably, but can utilize larger monitors when attached to a secondary LCD.
im surprised the fanbois haven't torn this apart yet. for those on the windows side, what can you recommend as far as making custom images for stuff that I can add personally so that whenever I blow away a drive, I can reformat with the image that I have configured (i.e. XP with firefox, pidgin, itunes, steam,…
1. Don't buy books, read them in the store and take notes via laptop (or notepad) on whats required on the syllabus. That way, you spend ZERO dollars on books and have everything important SAVED and ready to be studied when that final comes around...Win-Win situation (no money spent, notes to be used for tests and…
turning clothes inside-out (if possible) prevents a lot of fading; I do that with my threadless t's and they still look great
or, you could just jump in commando style and hope for the best. Applications will stay the same (or better). OS's are like Easter Island (they never F'ing change). Photos/Music/Movies are a savage beast...Keep em on Flash (#1)/DVD/CD/Archival Gold (if you've got the dough) and all is well
honestly, if you're running XP and need more real estate...BUT ANOTHER MONITOR and run Ultramon or something similar...
lifehacker? what the hell is that?