
“I’m a big, bootstrappy boi and I EARNED my treats!”

“I don’t want a functioning government in a thriving society I want my toys and my treats and I want them all to myself.”

Yes eventually it became clear he was a paying guest but he stubbornly remained black.

You are the thirstiest motherfucker to comment on this site. Enjoy your winter break.

Adherence to a strict personal code still compels him to grumble “nice”.

He doesn’t know or care. He’s here to have a contrary opinion to anything Splinter publishes. It’s fucking sad.

Holy shit, pedo with an anime girl avatar is out here OWNING the libs everybody!!!11!!!

He was a racist old dipshit who used his hoarded wealth to strip rights away from marginalized people. Fuck him and I hope he suffered.

We’re getting to the point where the nicknames for Trump are so cringey they’re more embarrassing for the person saying them then they are for the intended target.

Maybe they didn’t mention it because it was such a non-issue that professional bloviators blew entirely out of proportion. This whole thing really isn’t a thing and SNL should have ignored it or doubled down.

I know, the guy probably looked like a dick before he only had one eye anyway.

Fuck you and your “both sides” bullshit. One party wants to marginalize vast portions of our society and openly courts the demographic that wants to kill everyone who isnt white.

Actually, everyone is saying “though” though.

Tougher than your marshmallow ass.

Please, keep talking. Make yourself the face of this shitty debacle. Chain yourself to the prow of this sinking ship and ride it all the way to the bottom in 2020.

Delaware is a haven for tax dodging corporations. Mississippi is a victim of it’s own stupidity and addiction to racism.

The asteroid.

Decency died the day that man wore a tan suit to work.

Seriously, go fuck yourself and your smug bullshit attitude.