
Seriously, don’t bother.  He’s bringing up the 2016 election in response to being called out for shitposting. He’s a troll who haunts this website daily and I’m honestly baffled that he isn’t called out for it more often. He stands for nothing and I honestly don’t think he cares one way or another who is in office.

It annoys me that he’s gleefully shitposting in celebration of the status quo being maintained for another four years.

How is it disingenuous? Another “anonymous senior official” is par for the course. But someone who publicly resigns and goes on record carries actual weight. Splinter is right to demand they do it out in the open. The person or persons who wrote this want to have their cake and eat it too. There’s actual stakes beyond

They’re not even remotely the same thing. Trump is livid because someone said a mean thing behind his back. Splinter and others are saying if you think this man is a danger to the country then go tell it to Congress and get the ball rolling. This anonymous resistance bullshit is self-serving.

God, people still play this game? If so hit me up and we can go do some raids I really need a Regirock.

HamNo showed up. What the fuck did you do? I mean besides sit on your ass and mock the people willing fight your battles for you.

First prove to me that Rick Scott doesn’t have gills.

Savage take down of four year olds.

Always fucking highlight truthers.

Actually Spaghetti is a very good cat name and you should apologize. First to the cat and then everyone else.


Yes I read your entire sanctimonious screed and the meaning really isn’t that hard to parse. I think you’re just pissy because it actually can be boiled down to one glib line. But my apologies for glossing over your deeply  personal anecdote about filling out a bunch of paperwork. Thank you for your service.

I’m sorry did the texts waterboard prisoners and topple democratically elected governments in favor of fascist right-wing dictatorships? Work on your analogies, dipshit.

Maybe you need help discerning nuance from sneering condescension.

TFW you refuse to admit that the apparatus itself is morally bankrupt because what does that say about you and other willing participants who perpetuate it.

tldr; “But think about the GOOD APPLES!”

Setting aside the fact you’re glossing over losing the easiest electoral layup in history, are you really going to suggest that Obama beat Clinton in the primaries by being even more moderate?

Careful, you start making too much sense and they’ll dismiss your comment and reply to a screenshot. Can’t have too many people agree with you.

This time for sure. But we REALLY have to let them know how REALLY OUTRAGED we are this time.  Like, TRIPLE OUTRAGE.

That’s mighty fucking rich considering how often you haunt these comments like some howling, centrist dementor. Kindly go fuck yourself.