It was a half-assed retread of the season three episode “Who Watches the Watchers”.
It was a half-assed retread of the season three episode “Who Watches the Watchers”.
I’d doubt that a man who spent good money on a Delorean and poses in front of it at every available opportunity has any pretensions of being a Serious Anything. The only difference between him and the people who post here is he found a way to monetize what these people do in their spare time. I wish I had that lack of…
I think the nostalgia-shaming that people heap on this movie is a tad hypocritical coming from the AV Club comments considering people here seem to communicate with each other solely through movie quotes.
Sane people have a reality-based agenda and are not to be trusted.
I don’t think she has a talent for bullshit. Her talent lies in being ultra-combative. Point her at someone or something she doesn’t like and she will stubbornly outlast them. If you told her a brick wall had a progressive stance on something she’d make a point to argue with it.
lol wtf is a “men” gtfo
She likes AC but makes her own granola so its a wash. She has proper takes on fried chicken vs boiled so we’re in good hands.
Fair question but overly long. Can you condense that thought into an easily digestible hashtag?
I think that was Hope Hicks’ job. But I hear Jared has some time on his hands now.
That or his diaper is full.
Really, because it seems like they’ve all moved on to flipping state and federal legislature seats that the Democrats wrote off for years. Meanwhile Hillary stans are trying to prove that Russians and ONLY Russians are the reason she blew the easiest layup in modern American political history.
What’s laughable is Hillary stans like you who refuse to allow any kind of actual post-mortem on that campaign.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your brain? This isn’t about pessimism. Rejecting a political platform that openly declares war on the poor isn’t looking at the glass as half full.
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
If Kim Jong-un offered to let him build a hotel in downtown Pyongyang in exchange for lifting sanctions he’d do it right? He wouldn’t even hesitate.
Good lord, not in the slightest. Applaud the movement for shaming this reptile into defying his masters at the NRA.
Reality has a well known liberal bias.
If trump had a ring i guarantee it’s already chilling on Putin’s pinky finger next to Bob Kraft’s ring.
Firearm saftey courses should be a requirement for purchasing firearms. It shouldn’t be a fucking high school elective.