
I’ll have a Giusseppe Garibaldi in a full length duster, please. Hold the pickles.

Horse shit. We’re not talking about red flags culled from his browser’s search history. Someone called a hotline and said this very dangerous, unstable person has access to firearms and expressed a desire to use them. Someone reacted to that tip by writing it on a post-it and forgetting about it.

The subtext is always “I want this to go away as quickly as possible so I can go back to doing the same bullshit”.

With a crowd of people watching and yelling do you want to be remembered as the guy who DIDN’T eat horse shit?

lol that’s what I thought.

If you’d like to take me down memory lane and explain your fondness for the “good old days” in Rhodesia how about doing it in a current thread where others can see it. Be sure to highlight all the wonderful things the Selous Scouts did to keep a white minority in absolute control.

You’re either a full on white supremacist or just some racist asshole who puts the badge of a Rhodesian hit squad in his profile to see if anyone notices or cares.

No. Fuck off.

Well you’re trying to make it about one and you’re obviously just a big fan of the other.

Good to know you get your panties in a twist over men’s rights and not just white supremacy issues.

Go look up the definition of false equivalence and then eat shit forever.

Its perfectly fine for white kids to make fun of the blacks if they find one who is ok with it!

If you swipe a couple of your dad’s beers my brother says he’ll rent a skin flick for us.

Maybe the hard stuff. But the softcore is right out in the open to the left of the counter.

Oh look, a Rick and Morty fan who is extra salty online. Quelle surprise.

Revenge and justice are not always mutually exclusive.

lol, strap on your diaper and go cry about it in the streets my good bitch.

The republicans controlled the House in 2013. Being in control means you are not the minority. The house is where appropriations bills come from.

Now I’m just saying “neck lips” over and over in my head. It’s awful.

The same kind of asshole that follows every question with an answer.