
The summary dismissal of this movie by a lot of folks I generally lump into a group I'll call my "feminazi-liberal sisteren" bums me out most deeply. This movie lacked a great script and nuanced direction is many, many places (so did mah boo's The Imitation Game). Kyle is a problematic figure chiefly because, and

Thank you! I was going to say that we've got some serious English style historical revival going on here. Hey folks please to look up what the phrase first edition actually means in bibliographic terms—this could be a printing of a first edition in modern ENGLISH, that would be right up a design reformer's alley in

Am I the only person who thinks Sam is a cutie? Admittedly, as you can see from my handle, I am a Cumberlover...so that take that as you will.

But what I want to know is why are we in graves? Also I wonder how this dude would feel about a black James Bond (moar Idris Elba plz)? Would that too be sacrilege?

I might be the even rarer beast who saw it and didn't care for it. at. all. At the risk of doxxing myself I share a first name with one of the characters—and she also spells it and pronounces it the right way, which is rare in the English-speaking world. So now when I tell people my name they go, "oh...just like in

Deliver me from L.L. Bean!

But that eyebrow game though...

I loved Almost Human! They cancel all the good shows. I still mourn Keen Eddie!

The sad part is I've had it since I was in college...and I have a crush on Elizabethan Black Adder. "Life without you [Queenie] is like a broken pencil...pointless." Sigh....

I have watched Dredd entirely too many times on Netflix. Karl Urban's chin can get it!


My great aunt did that as well! I don't know just how many diamonds she had on that sucker after all of the 4 or 5 proposals, but when my mother married my step-father she broke it down and had enough diamonds for his enormous (because he is enormous) wedding band and a 1" dangling earrings for me.

Truf to the Ms. Margulies comment. Tiny and also so very pale.

You absolutely did not! My last sentence was for all the folks up above who just label him for the only thing they have read about him in a blog post—the ugly statements in his books.

I think the problem folks have with latching on to who Chris Kyle really was has to do with Kyle's own black and white perception of the world—at least in Eastwood's vision of him. He was raised to see the world as sheep, wolves and sheepdogs and as Cooper subtly portrayed him he was a fairly simple man (and no,

Ridiculously expensive Private school soror here: we paid nothing to rush, only paid something like $1200 in freshman year and then it went down each year after that. I would only describe myself as middle class but my mother allowed a sorority because she thought it was good for networking later in life...money

Yeah we had a softball coach at my high school who had two "special friends" on his team—who of course became rivals. Everyone knew. One chick even answered his front door a few times...I can only imagine the therapy bills. What an un-redeemable douche canoe.

Right?! I have a side business in private test prep tutoring. I have tutored some drop dead gorgeous and very bright young men from of the city's most swanky schools. nope.nope.nope.nope.nope. Have I for fun thought about what it might be like to know them as adults? Sure. And that's where that ends.

I have a (somewhat?) unique reason. I went to a prominent private southern school with over 60% sorority participation among the womens. The feeling I got at the time was, if you weren't affiliated there was something wrong with you or you were a poor. I was very much not the typical gal at that university, but I