
Can I real quick brag about how cheap my wedding was? The whole thing was under a grand, including the clothes/food and booze/flowers. It is easy to do if you just decide not to be picky. Fun fact: I have never really come across ugly flowers! I just asked a local farm what they could sell me for cheap, and got two

To be fair, I think #crimingwhilewhite was meant to be read in relation/response to the idea conveyed by the phrase "driving while black" in the first place, meaning that it was meant to invoke black people's lived/testified experiences and be read in light of the disparity between the way police treat black and white

I can't help but read this as in contrast to Chris Rock's recent comments about how we talk in america about black progress when we should be talking about white progress. To me, that rang really true and it is primarily white people who need to change to fix racism. I'm not arguing that the conversation should be

My understanding was that #crimingwhilewhite is a reference to the saying "driving while black," so I understood it as an attempt to acknowledge and add support to what black people are, and have been, saying about the lived experiences of black people in america and about what needs to happen for society to move