
Pharmaceutical science is probably keeping this man alive. That’s one cennection to science, statins are science

You don’t have to like it, but that fucker is definitely on a mission from God!

I find a Wild Turkey in my kitchen cabinet every evening!

I know there are people who would never want to live in a place surrounded by cornfields, but my god, ocean animals are fucking WEIRD. I’ll keep my deer and occasional wild turkeys, thanks.

Pictured: Artists rendition of Trump’s future Presidential Library.

I had to star this, even just for the “holy Tim Horton.” Well played.

why doesn’t she confront Deborah at the hockey games?

I have to say, the more people mix, the better looking the future generations are.

Because nothing says “these sexual allegations aren’t true” like the Catholic Church!

The way things have been going, he’ll probably get 49.999999999 percent — and then lose in June.

There’s so much to unpack here. Have you noticed that it’s harmful federal intrusion when trying to protect civil right but if a state legalizes pot that state is over stepping?

Huh, my family crest says

Gross yet accurate.

informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency

Oh my god, I know it’s “wrong” to come for people on their appearances but jesus christmas those are some Mr. Potato Head looking fuckers standing on either side of Pinhead. Put it away!!

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

Video footage of him shitting his pants and crying like a baby would be so much better than his death. We don’t need him to be a martyr and Ivanka the grieving widow. Jared being an international laughingstock would be beautiful and just.

I don’t even think she’s attractive- just thin and “well-groomed”.