
What happened to him is that he’s been fighting he “gay demon” in his head for so long that he done lost his damn mind.

...ya know what venting is?

Isn’t it funny how black lives matter when they want to control women’s sexuality but not when cops are gunning us down in the street?

Damn, Wanda Sykes was offered only 250K?

This is the company that gave Rob Schneider his own show. Multiple seasons.

You should read these comments. Or the many messages that are piling up in my inbox from women who are telling me they have literally left the church because of how pastors who say what Gray said have made them feel. You call it a blessing, I call it vile.

I was more thinking about one’s neighbors, especially upstairs.

A piece of paper registered with the government only means I don’t have to fight his mama to inherit his PlayStation when he eventually trips over his own shoes he left in the middle of the floor and dies from the fall.

Yeah, I’ve been wondering how men can claim to be the smartest, most intelligent, and rational beings on the planet, while simultaneously claiming to be the most clueless. This cluelessness only seems to magically appear when assessing their shirty behavior, though.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that nobody gives worse advice about “men”, than men. I have no idea why we’re like that.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that nobody gives worse advice about “men”, than men. I have no idea why we’re like that. Now, we can pontificate on the subject for days on end and still not provide any useful information whatsoever. It’s fucking baffling.

South Suburbs by Joliet - quick back story: born in Marquette Park, raised in south suburbs, moved to the city after college, moved back to my parents after my dad died to take care of my disabled mom.

This ain’t gonna happen though, because whites hate having honest conversations about how problematic they are. It makes them “uncomfortable.”

I got so much shit from (white) people for calling out Sandra Bullock who married a Neo Nazi white power nationalist. She fucking knew, but said nothing and only divorced him to save face when he got caught cheating on her with a neo-Nazi porn star.

I feel like (white) feminist spaces don’t talk about how, by sleeping with/marrying/having kids with racists and bigots, those women are essentially rewarding those dudes despite them being horrible. I don’t think women are responsible for their boyfriend’s/husband’s opinions but staying with them is sure as fuck not

White women, put your money where your mouth is. Since you are the most “coveted” by men, and hold the most ‘pussy power’, you need to use that power to voice and enact change.

Serious question, because I don’t get how these things work. Why write a new post about this when The Root already covered it about 6 hours ago?

The only thing that will merit the death penalty from the NCAA is giving some kind of benefit to student-athletes.

This is a thing more white people have to do for white people; be real. Just keep it 100. Call out their skinfolk and ask them to do better.

“The City of Prospect has zero tolerance for the type of content sent by Shaw,” Prospect Mayor John Evans said. “... I want to make it crystal clear: neither the City of Prospect, not its citizens, condone, support or endorses the views expressed by Shaw in these postings/messages.”