
your ranking is 100% correct. 

Just had baby number 2 and dealing with a huge pump aversion. This time I’m getting a professional grade pump and if it starts to become too difficult, I’ll combo feed. Pumping for an entire year last time was the WORST!

Bobby, the shirtless pics are because new parents are encouraged to bond with their children using skin-to-skin cuddling. It helps regulate the body temperature and breathing of the newborn, lets them feel the warmth of human contact, and helps them adjust to life outside the uterus. It’s good for the baby, not just

This is why I will hate Susan Sarandon until the day I die. Letting the country go to hell while watch from your mansion has to be the lowest form of so-called radicalism.

I was never into babies but loved the time my daughter was an infant. I loved bonding with her and the ease of taking her places. When she was a baby, I could still go to bozy brunch with my child-free friends because she would sleep the majority of time and I would have her strapped to my chest. Now, as a toddler, I

Since you’re alone in the house, it might be a good time to do some snooping. Something similar happened to a friend and she ended up finding a laptop with thousands of pics of videos of random women including friends and neighbors.

I would bet part of this was them judging her for nursing a 2 year old. People get really squicked out by toddlers nursing and I can see how that might put her on someone’s radar.

Don’t blame yourself for not responding in a particular way. We are often damned no matter how we respond.

Because it’s a picture of the Port Authority building where this happened.

My acne actually STARTED at 35. I had beautiful, clear skin all through my teens and twenties and now that I’m in my thirties by hormonal shifts are wreaking havoc on my skin. It started when I got pregnant at 35 and is just starting to settle down a bit a few years later.

A makeup truck already exists. It’s called The Lip Bar and was founded by Melissa Butler. Surprise, surprise! A Kardashian copying a black woman’s hard work while the masses give them credit for their innovation. 🙄

I was one of those “I was spanked and I’m fine” people until I had a kid and really processed what it means to hit a person who is a quarter of your weight. Although I was only spanked a handful of times (with belts), the fear of being hit was always there. In fact, my mother often joked that the threat of being

I send out my laundry now and I’m pretty poor. They charge me .59 a pound at the laundry near my apartment.

There’s a typo on the landing page and I cannot stop laughing. How can you misspell Jerome when that’s your brand?

My daughter’s daycare required me to buy the Klean-Kanteen in stainless steel. I was pissed that I had to spend $15 on it, can’t imagine spending $36 for the green one! When I showed up with the bottle as directed, they mentioned that most parents send two and I said “good for them.”

I wonder if this law is a holdover from Jim Crow and the days when lynching black people was a public event. I’m sure it wasn’t that hard back then to find willing witnesses.

I did not know he sang that! Thanks for the nostalgia.

I hope they also checked the other perms at the location they bought it. The last perm I bought before going natural game me horrible sores from chemical burns and I suspect the beauty supply was selling a knock off of the brand because it was expensive (Mizani). I was already planning to make that my last tub of

Hey, thanks for responding in kind. You never know with gawker. Regarding the rape part, I know people posit that his relationship with Sally Hemmings was consensual, but realistically there was no way for her to decline. Even if she eventually participated in it, would she have chosen to have sex and children with