Disco Dream

You don't defeat someone's ideas by making them concede defeat. No one is trying to win Milo Doucheopolis over. It's the audience you are winning over. Milo is a joke. Having people come out to protest him on college campuses was his game, and he won that. Having him on the show just showed him for the clown he is.

I think that's fair. He is a douche, but he does point that liberals are subject to many of the same biases as righties. His attitude toward free speech is pretty much in line with the ACLU.

That's how I felt too. Absolutely ham-handed and the characters were knuckle heads. I didn't even bother to finish it. I liked Eggers' Zeitoun.

Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, The Village, The Visit.

Damn straight.

Over the top . . . of the wall!

I'm even later to the party. I'm really loving this show.

Why risk the buzz?

Ahh . . . I don't know how to talk to you two.

Well, he certainly thought so.

You said "sixth sense," you sly dog.

You want me to say you're not just a big dummy, so I'll get that out of the way first: you aren't just a big dummy. I think the fact that it didn't hit you (or me) as a "twist" is a testament to how seamlessly the nonlinear nature of time as introduced by the heptapod language was integrated with everything else in

Arrival > Gravity by a lot, and what you point out is a major reason.

We don't really understand how any other life forms communicate. We can teach some sign language to gorillas, but that's our language, not theirs. We know that dolphins are squeaking some shit to each other, but we can't translate it and speak it back to them.

You just haven't learned any dope alien languages yet.

To be fair, I think the military in general, including the Chinese general, came out looking pretty good. It wasn't "the military" that was responsible for bombing the Shell, it was a small group of knuckleheads who listened to too much talk radio.

Louis C.K. has said that, only it was funny when he said it.

Oh, I wet my pants alright, but out of appreciate, not terror.

Arrival, which I saw Friday, is much better than Midnight Special, which I watched for the first time last night. Don't worry.

Yep. Take Shelter and Mud were both much better than Midnight Special.