
Random, but ever since I read Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi the lack-of-pores Photoshopping really creeps me out. A continuing element in the book is that the Windup Girl (robotic woman) was created with such tiny pores that she's constantly about to overheat. So now all I see are these poor women suffocating in

Also keep in mind that pits seem to be the number one dog under apartment breed restrictions. I've lived in different apartments across the US during the past 10+ years and pits are always the one breed absolutely not allowed.

To each their own, but I love 'em!

My favorite part of this is that women's everyday fashion, at least what I see around me on the streets of Seattle, is the most comfortable and practical (yet fun and trendy) clothing trends I've seen in my lifetime. Baggy sweaters, open arm cut tank tops, bandeau bras, tights: bring 'em!!

I was having a particularly horrendous morning and put the dog on the wrong side of the baby gate as I was preparing to leave. Lucky for me, my dog is so terribly thoughtful that she leaped into the "enclosed" side to save me the effort.

I have been on quite a few dates that I knew were ending early purely based on the other person's (sad lack of) pop culture credentials. Really Jez - you're diggin' on this one!

Throughout college I definitely had an insta-crush/romance/life long love affair planned out with an imaginary guy that I would run into who would be wearing a Marc Bolan / T. Rex t-shirt. And we were awesome together!

This makes me pretty damn happy. I moved over from traditional Xbox, etc. games to a lot of indie Steam games during the past year or two. There are so many interesting ideas out there for game play and this is just another fascinating aspect. The English major and the Gamer in me are ecstatic. Definitely throwing

I want this to be a movie.

My pup does this too, and it's been a year for her. She always looks so forlorn and confused!

I finally found a doctor after nearly a decade that I confide everything too. But yeah, most any time I'm not checking any of those little boxes.

Next time you get your short locks trimmed, ask your hair stylist about "what's up with women crying when they get their hair cut." I've had the most fantastic conversations and have found some really insightful hair stylists. :)

Eh... I disagree. I work in a male dominated industry and purposefully don't wear make-up at work to be taken seriously.

I saw this yesterday on HuffPo and now that it's repeated... My initial reaction is "how do people not know this!?" and then I recall every time I or a girlfriend have ever gone to the gyno and they don't go through the 1. no scented soaps; 2. no tight undies regime. And the lesson that I learn is thank goodness to my

Depends. I pay a fairly respectable amount for my rent and you can bet your sweet ass that the landlord is taking care of it. (That and she is a perfectionist so I'd rather not risk it.) But my neighbors lives in a super, crazy inexpensive building with something of a non-responsive landlord so they fix it themselves.

Love this! I had a data entry gig that extended to about a year, but it was hours and hours of just sitting there and not moving. And dog help me it was with a company that had free beverages and snacks. Definitely started doing a ton of squats and wall push-ups throughout the day.

Some stupid things to say, but to be fair - if you're moping about and talking about the situation sometimes you also have to tell people what you need / want to hear, or how you want to be comforted (if at all). I've become pretty straight forward in asking people that are explaining sensitive issues why they're

My favorite blog post on thigh gap from Fit and Feminist: "The obsession with the thigh gap is an example of the way the biological realities of our bodies have become totally divorced from the aesthetic ideals against which they are held. It’s not even a matter of form versus function. In this case, obsession with

Last week I had to work at one of my company's satellite offices, and as it's short on space I took over a co-worker's space. It happens that he's an older guy and I'm a young woman and my entire day was spent with comments along the lines of, "Hey! Are you so-and-so's pretty new replacement?" and so forth. Now,