In what magical book store did this happen? (And did they just get thrown up again as soon as they left? - Cynical ex-bookstore employee
In what magical book store did this happen? (And did they just get thrown up again as soon as they left? - Cynical ex-bookstore employee
Here's a better deal. For $5, I will leave you at Cal Anderson overnight, pick you up in the morning, and then show you the bus stop.
This little couch rabbit is a Taiwanese street dog. This is the day after her flight into Seattle.
As much as "bros" are ridiculed, it's absolutely a curious exploration of platonic and brotherly love between guys. I remember reading an article on how love between heterosexual men in film is almost exclusive to war/battle flicks, but it's kind of nice having some guys "bro" it out now and then.
I think the snark has less to do with the study and research and more to do with how it's represented and explained on Jez.
Ahh yes... another study saying that we're not all exactly the same so that there is no "rule." If I eat too early in the day it makes me ill. I'm a bruncher - hello 11AM first meal!
Jez is on a roll this morning with random studies with tiny survey pools.
Gina Torres yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As has been pointed out, not the most thoroughly researched study, but... I see the sense in it. Personally as someone that was heavier in high school, it's not like during my adolescents that I had this magical realization that I should care for my body, that there are physical activities that are enjoyable, and that…
Thank you! This is a recurring conversation in my household that tends to work like this: My BF - "You never clean. I do all the cleaning." Me - "Standing in one spot and moving the vacuum a half dozen times is not cleaning. Have you figured out yet what the toilet brush does?"
When I had my IUD done, my doctor told me that various other professionals that she worked with were not advocates. (She's very pro-IUD.) And when I think about it, until I researched it and asked about it - even after nearly a decade of visits and trying various methods of birth control - I never had a doctor…
Hormonal BCP (I've tried various brands including the shot) make me insane and I gain a ton of weight. When I started dating my current BF, we went with the condom method. Apparently according to the above source we don't know how to properly use condoms, because we had THREE condoms break on us over our first six…
About the insurance company and fitness - I totally get why some people are horrified by this, but if I could get a break on my insurance premium because they can see that I'm a bike commuter and go to the gym so many times a week - well, I'm down with that.
Sometimes I feel that culturally [1] we truly want to believe in this notion that famous people, particularly of the artistic variety, often have a large picture mentality. We credit them for being ironic, and having some grandiose artistic vision. Surprise when they show themselves being the callous, feckless, and…
Yes - complimented all the time sans make-up: it's all about posture (not sticking my breasts/butt out) and eye contact.
Oh! "Getting rid of a dog because you're going to have a baby," was one of the primary reasons people in our area would not allow us to adopt a dog. We don't even want to have a freakin' baby. There are no babies on the horizon. But we were in the right "age bracket" and were too high risk for a puppy from many places.
She looks bad ass in that third picture. And to the "linebacker" comment further down: rock on! Sandy B. is rockin' it.
Dear Person with the Psycho Roommate,
Just had this realization with my guy last night. He has a habit of coming to me with issues that I often disagree with or see differently. Usually, I try to explain this and he gets frustrated/annoyed. It dawned on me last evening that he really just wants to talk it out, and not particularly for any sense of…