
"Secondly, the growth of electronica and dance music, which used to be more of a niche genre but which now features prominently in hip hop and R&B songs. "

Upon first reading the headline all I thought was, "Get ready for some horrendous pictures."

If we must have a campaign this is the only one I can see myself getting behind. Why do we make the choices that we do? Not that your choice is right or wrong, but just a campaign to encourage people to ask themselves why.


Certainly a valid point that this is not reaching the audience most in need of it.

Argh! Jez! I enjoy reading your articles, but for Pete's sake could you put up a note at the office and ask your staff to please stop using the phrase "a tale as old as time." - <3 Grumpy Pants Before I've Had My Coffee

Kind of questionable writing here. Maybe another editorial once through? I mean, I "get" what you're saying as I feel I read Jezebel often enough to understand the general flavor, but this is pretty rough.