
Elon Musk is trying so fucking hard to sound smart by just using nebulous language; it’s the type of shit a freshman-level Philosophy 101 student would try and say to sound intelligent, then get shut down by someone who’s actually educated and knows something about what they’re talking about.  

We’re well past the point where I’m wondering as much, especially now that Threads even exists with a userbase.

Too easy.

Musk is a tech guy in the same sense I am a tech guy; that being that I own a computer and don’t really know how it works.

Tech guy sure isn’t a fan of science.

Yeah, no shit he was going to shitcan the fact checkers.  Why is anybody still using his platform?

We can ascribe the virus that’s been going on for a few years and has symptoms that affect the cardiovascular system if we really wanted to

The sad thing is, he can do whatever he wants because he’s a billionaire. He will always find himself surrounded by sycophants enthusiastically urging him on.

What a shit-head.

We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine

Of course. Can’t have facts and science ruin his grifting. 

Yup. The ‘anti-censorship’ Musk is actually *PRO* censorship. But only when he’s the one holding the censorship gavel. So, like every other Republican — a drooling hypocrite, howling to the world about how ‘they’re being silenced’ while actively and aggressively silencing others.

That always seemed counter-intuitive to me. I always figured the vaccines would be hailed by the anti-mask/anti-lockdown crowd as the catalyst for getting us out of the pandemic. Boy, was I wrong.

The 1% were only against it because the shutdowns and vaccine regs cost them money, and the suckers ate it up.

Not to mention, this.

230 million or 70% of the US has been vaccinated, and only a handful of people have had undesirable effects. You’re literally more likely to get struck by lightning or die in a car accident on the way to work, but I don’t expect an impulsive uneducated manchild that gets his news from Breitbert to know anything about

The point of community notes according to Musk was that accurate and correct information would be crowdsourced by the community, thus ensuring the “TRUEST” source of truth.

musk is such a pathetic twat.

Gaetz said he’ll “be pressing charges against this individual in order to uphold the civility our community deserves,”

If seditionist Gaetz were in prison where he belongs none of this would have happened.