
Oh, and Barry Bonds at his "peak" was a juiced up, lying, arrogant, piece of shit that even his teammates hated with a burning passion. Not sure what that had to do with him being black. Of course, this is Gawker so the sun coming up today probably has something to do someone being black

Cats suck. Knock it off.

This Santa deserved to get shot if for anything because he was a day early. The only mythical character allowed to come on the Eve is Adam.

I'm going to call this "The Zaprudolph Film"

Is Magary in fear for his life now that "Duck Dynasty" is on the verge of getting canceled?

Tucker: Can I kick it?

FALSE, you can give consent after you've consumed alcohol, just not when you've consumed so much that you can't tell your hand from your head, otherwise like 80% of sexual encounters would be rape. Plus what if the men are drunk too? Is that double rape? Should we charge both of them for raping each other? What a

I think the only fair move is to allow the Ravens to pick for the Steelers in the first round. I'd love the calls to Pittsburgh's war room:

True, they would definitely slap the floor in celebration. As is tradition.

It was a tiny explosion.

Sheriff: So, a non-descript black guy is behind this, huh?

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

He doesn't even take it off to poop. The thong just cuts his turd right in half. He looks down at his hewn log and smiles. "That's a well-cut loaf," he says to himself.

"DAMN STRAIGHT! GSP owes me a damned refund on my flight because I got lost going to the airport!"

so mountain
very ice
is white