
Even if they didn’t go to church, that’s still crappy. “You don’t believe in the thing I believe in, so you can serve me more or less for free.”

I hope he wins. Columbia has a lot to answer for. He was cleared by the university and the NYPD. She harassed him an absurd amount which Columbia did nothing to stop. She has hurt all women with her bullshit rape allegations. Regrettable sex is NOT rape.

LEXI & The Women Who Out-Drive You

No shit. What else would I watch? Star Trek is all.

Calipari for me. He's the tool of Satan.

Please tell everyone to just shut the fuck up. I received corporal punishment several times when I was a child. Let me tell you- it really sucks when mom misses your butt and wacks you on the small of your back with a coat hanger or a wooden spoon. What did I learn from these instances? To do as I was told. I

"I don't care"

It is, yes, and I of course have a moonshine still out back that makes a decent porter out of fermented meatballs and bookcase lacquer. So in that sense, we're about on par with Pennsylvania in terms of the "Total Drinking Experience" metric.

Well the idea is to go with a group of friends that are also willing to sing. Private room karaoke is even more the worst if it's just like one dude that wants to sing.

Dive bars, if you are a regular, are outstanding day or night. You know the bartenders well enough to have them comp you free drinks at least twice a visit - and this is balanced by the generous tips you give (I tip on the majority of drinks I buy), you know which bathroom to avoid (and aren't above dropping a deuce

H/t to BJ

Nobody is "allergic" to Gluten.

In Steve-o's defense, his oatmeal-for-brains probably can't handle much of anything.

The VAST MAJORITY of those actively talking about GamerGate are discussing the mounting factual evidence linking indie game developers with blog website such as Kotaku who blur the lines between journalism and op ed blogging, collude to pursue a united agenda, and actively censor anyone who dares to criticize them.

That is a good theory, because in this day and age with school shootings and terrorism. The police and FBI are on this like white on rice. They would NOT ignore it if reported. This makes it sound like they don't care.

Think about what she gains (her videos are already widely talked about and discussed, and the harassment that she gets is very real, very constant, and very prolific, she is already invited, and has been before, and her videos are still extremely relevant)

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a calculated move by herself or one of her supporters. It's a common tactic of the American Liberal to draw universal support for their cause (and condemnation of their critics) by anonymously committing an outrageous act and blaming it on their detractors.

It's not only her: Zoe Quinn and, most recently Brianna Wu. And the evidence was all over reddit, 4chan and now the newly created for this specific purpose, 8chan.

AS: "Watching South Park is misogynistic, you should be ashamed, they're all violent and South Park shows extreme violence against women and trans characters. Watchers are scum who only hate me because of my facts."

"No ketchup on hot dogs" is the only food rule that New York and Chicago agree on.