
I don't know who any of these people are, but WHERE IS KINGSLEY ON THIS LIST? His "Things I Hate" video from 2010 WAS GOLD.

I meeeeaaan he cheated on his first wife with Tori Spelling sooo.

It is my life's dream to be able to perfect the Claire Huxtable "you did NOT just fucking do that" face.

Just commenting to say I love the Callie Dirtbags!!! They're just the right amount of hilarious and snarky.

Yeah, I have no problem with this. If its therapeutic, go for it. Make some money out of your misery, Lindz - your parents sure have.

The fact that we label shootings as "small" also really unsettles me. Like, have we as a society just accepted that the risk of these shootings are a fact of life, and the fact that a shooting may have resulted in "only" one death or "only" one critical injury somehow makes it not that bad? I have a real problem with

That gif tho.

Well I JUST realized its 2 AM and I realize probably nobody is awake but GUISE, I go to school with this guy who I JUST noticed like, 3 weeks ago. And since I noticed him, I see him EVERYWHERE. Like cafeteria, in the halls, we always make eye contact in class, etc. (I'm in law school, so this isn't like some silly

My best friend gave birth in July too! We're from Tennessee and it was hot as balls, but she handled it like a CHAMP and looked flawless while doing it. Like, girl looked better at 8 months and 3.5 weeks pregnant in 100 degree heat than I do now, childless and never-pregnant in mild winter temperatures. Lordt. Women

I have a few friends IRL who know my Jez name, but mainly because its my Twitter name as well (stalk away, Jezzies!). I have PLENTY of IRL friends (close and not close) to whom I either don't reveal that I'm on Twitter or that I comment on Jezebel, or both. I feel like this is a community where I can safely talk about

I'm 22, in law school, and I can't even with 21 year old undergrads. And I was in undergrad until just this past May! I also have a 16 year old sister, and she's cool and fun to hang out with, but...I still have to teach her things and there is a disconnect between us that comes with my age and being in the real

I love how many GULC Jezzies there are!

Omg, did she also pronounce Helicopteros (the Colombian general jurisdiction case) with a Spanish accent? Gawd, I love her. She also managed to get my first AND last name right on the first try, which like nobody ever does. She is the best.

*sympathy hugs* enjoy your wine!

You can take my final for me on Monday! Hahaha. But yeah, she's great. Probably my one ~*celeb encounter*~ I'll ever claim. We call her the Notorious CNP (her real name is Cornelia) because we recognized like the first week of class that she is the next Notorious RBG.

Yes! Exam on Monday. Currently dying in the library trying to learn nonmutual issue preclusion LOL fml.

She is currently one of my professors, and if I had to pick ONE person to be a fedral judge, she would be it. I am in awe of her brilliance, poise, and how she justs ~*knows*~ things. And she is so incredibly kind and fair. And she has a reverence for the judicial system and the Constitution that only comes from

Do not besmirch the name of American Eagle. I fucking love that store. Best thing they did for their brand was remove the little eagle in the corners. Now I can be 22, a grad student, and wear their clothes with NO SHAME.

I do not know why this isn't at the top because this is GOLD.

Hm. I was potty trained by nuns. Also an effective method.